Hello!! This weekend Jese and I went home to do my laundry. I had lots of fun when I was at home. On Friday my mother made homemade chicken noodle soup which was YUM-O. That night we all watched the Weather Man, it was pretty good. On Saturday my mother went to South Dakota to shoot and Jese went to Gustavus to visit Conor and Timmy, leaving my father and I all by ourselves. We went to both of my grandparents houses and visited them for awhile and then we went to menards to get some trim and things to fix the drawers for the entertainment center. Then we went and down to the archery range to shoot with my Grandpa. I didn't shoot very much because we turned up my poundage and I could not hold it up very long. My father and grandpa shoot very well though! Then I decided that I wanted to shoot the indoor 3D with my father, and grandfather the next day so I called up Jese and I made him come shoot it with me. That night we watched Stuck on you, it was better than we thought it was going to be. On Sunday morning I packed up all of my stuff and Jese came to pick me up and we went to shoot the 3D. It was my first ever indoor 3D and I had lots of fun...even though I was shooting a target bow with a scope and everything!! I wasn't sighted in for any other distance other than 20 yards so I just aimed over or under every target. I ended up beating Jese, he got 298 and I got 302! My father killed up both with 34something, and I don't know what my grandpa got. I think it was out of 360 or something like that. When we were done we ate pizza and Jese and I went back to Winona. I did homework when I got back and that is all, oh yes and I watched Grey's Anatomy!! Okay that is all I know for now!!
CHRISTA wadekamper
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