Hello!! Today I had a test in precalc. I think I did okay on it. I studied for four hours for it yesterday so I hope it paid off. Today Jese and I went up to Bucks & Bows and shot 9 rounds. I did pretty good...I only got four fours, two were my first two arrows because I was sighted in low, and one of them was my second round and the last one was my last round. I decided that my bow poundage was not turned up enough now and I was shakeing a ton because of it. When I was shooting a bunch of hunting guys were watching me :) There was a kid from Jese's floor there shooting and he was very nice...Jese said that the kid came and laid on his floor once because he was drunk and Jese's door was open. Jese shoot good too! I just got done doing my homework...besides reading a book and that is what I am going to do next. It is a John Standford book, it is good. He is a Minnesota author so I am reading his book for Minnesota Writers, cool huh!! Tonight Jese and I are going to watch the Transporter 2 with Toph (a kid from Waseca) and maybe another kid. I think I will make my last bag of popcorn...although then Toph will eat it all because he is pretty good at eating everybody's food. I am so excited Survivor is on tonight!! Okay well I am going to read my book now!!
cHrIsTa AnN WaDeKaMpEr
(is really cool!!!)
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