Hello!! Well this weekend Jese and I decided to go camping!!! We went to Whitewater State Park on Saturday when Jese got done with work and came back Sunday afternoon! It was only 30 minutes away so it was the perfect distance!! When we got there on Saturday we set up the tent and Jese started a fire (with my help!!) After the tent was set up I started to cook supper, we had bbq chicken they were nummy!! While they were cooking Jese and I played YATZEE!! We both got one yatzee but I won the most games hahaha!! After supper we went for a short walk, it was only 1.1 K so whatever that is in miles is how far we walked!! It only took us about 30 minutes but man there were lots of stairs that were trying to kill me!! Once we got back from our walk we started another fire and Jese made s'mores and then we people watched untill 10, then we read for awhile and went to bed! At 4 AM Jese got up to go to the bathroom and when he got back I said there's a racoon in our cooler!!!!! So Jese went out and scared it away and put the cooler in the car so the jerk couldn't steal anything else, he got away with our bread and 3 hershey bars, jerk!! So then we couldn't have tuna fish sandwiches for lunch the next day since we didn't have bread but then I rembered later that day that I forgot to bring a can opener, opps!!! So on Sunday we got up at 7:45 or 8:15 I can't remeber!! I made some eggs, which by looking at the picture don't look so good but they were very good!!! The yolks just broke in that batch of eggs!! After breakfast we went on a walk, which lasted 2 1/2 hours!!! We started on a hard trail which was almost all stairs, then went to a medium trail, which was some stairs but starting to go down the bluffs, and then we ended on an easy trail, it was called Meadow Trial!! We were very tired after that so we went back and put on our swimming gear and went to the beach. We didn't go swimming though, the water is super cold because it is a river and it was crowded with little kids so we just laid out and tanned for 20 minutes!! It would have been longer but I was hot! So we went back to camp and packed up and headed on home, oh yeah we had chips for lunch seeing as we couldn't have our sandwiches!! We learned our lesson though and won't leave the cooler out anymore!! More pictures to come later!!
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