Okay so maybe that wouldn't be a very good idea!!! So in one car on the way over when we move we will have 2 fish tanks, 1 mouse cage, and 2 cats!!! We will probably have to separte the cats, oreo gets scared in cars but Pizza runs all over chasing other cars!!! Their cat bag is too little for them now!!! I wish I were a witch so I could make my t.v's and furniture little and light so it would be easier to move!! Speaking of witches, I went to Walmart at midnight and picked up Harry Potter with all the other H.P geeks!!! I had it finished in 24 hours, and in those 24 hours I also worked, slept, and colored my hair (i am not allowed to say dyed my hair because one of the girls at work threw a fit....well not a big fit she just said that the hair doesn't die it is just colored!!!) Yesterday there was a 10-year-old who got her eyebrows waxed and her hair "colored", I couldn't believe a mom would let her daughtor that young do it!!!!! Well Jese is on his way home and he is about to find out I packed most of the food and dishes up so I better go!!! Oh yeah I forgot to say Harry Potter was very good but don't worry I won't say if anyone or who dies!!!!
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