Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Christmas is over, the snow can go away now!!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Merry Christmas!!!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
my tummy hurts :(
Hello everyone!! Well after returning to Winona from our wedding Jese and I got almost everything unpacked and put away on Monday! Then at 3 in the morning we both woke up with the stomach flu :( not cool man!! Yesterday we slept the entire day and got nothing done. Today Jese is feeling better but I still can't eat anything. I filled out all of our christmas cards, hopefully the mailman can read them since I was too weak to write on them!! I kept writing the winona zip code instead of the faribault one, opps!! Jese works at 2 today. Julie from work called and wanted me to work today but seeing as I have no energy and I told her and had the stomach flu I am not working until tomorrow! Our place is such a mess, it is driving me nuts, good thing we don't have school for a month so I can get it all cleaned up!! Well my computer is about to die and I stink so I am going to go take a shower!
Monday, December 17, 2007
"Are you a Queen??"
Hello! Well Jese and I are finally married!! We had a blast at the wedding! On Saturday I got up bright and early and had my hair done then I went to the church and got ready for the wedding!! We took picuters from 11:30-1:00 and I couldn't smile for any more pictures!! At 2:00 the wedding started and I managed not to cry uncontrolably!! I knew if I started I wouldn't be able to stop so I controled myself!! We thought the wedding went great and the singing was amazing!! After that we took some pictures outside and headed to the Elks for some supper!! I was starving but I couldn't really eat because as soon as I tried to my dress got to tight :( But the mashed potatoes were really good!! Then we danced the rest of the night away!! Last night we got home and we unpacked all of the presents then we went to Walmart and printed off all of our pictures and bought a new camera with some christmas money we got and with Jese's christmas bonus discount! We ended up getting over $30 off!! After looking at our pictures we realized that we don't really have any pictures of us together so if you have some could you please send them to us!! Well I have to go potty now so bye!!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Only 2 days left!
Hello everyone!! Well there are just a few more days until I get married!! I am at mothers house right now stealing someones internet with my computer! I am soo sneaky!! Right now we are printing out the programs! Simon keeps walking on my computer and smashing his head into my hand, jerk!! Yesterday I went to La Crosse to pick up my dress and they didn't have it ready, jerks so then after my final I had to go back and go get it. I have a hair apoitment at 3:00 today so he can practice doing my hair. Simon just walked on my computer and exited out of the internet, but it is okay because it is saved so I didn't have to redue any of it! Oh, yes, I passed all of my classes, woohoo!!! Well I must go now I am wanted else where!!
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Only 1 week!!!
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Hello Hello!!!
Hello! Well I am almost finished with my classes!!! I have one more class today and then I am finished! I just found out that my accounting final is open book and I have from 8 AM Friday until 3 PM Wednesday to get it done, but only 2 hours once I start taking it, so hopefully I do really good on it since I can use the book!! I don't really know if I have my intermediate Stats class today so me and another kid are sitting in the room waiting to see if we have it, we probably don't but oh well!! Next I have finance, boring!! On tuesday that class was cancelled, I wish is it was today too so I could go home and eat some lunch! Next week I only have two finals, one on Monday at 10:30 and one on Wednesday at 3:30 then I am FINISHED!!! Yeepee!! I am ready to be done! Plus as soon as I am done with my finals I am heading home for the wedding!! Yesterday I cleaned the apartment but I didn't clean the bathroom because that is Jese's job!! I had to get up at 7:30 to move my car so it didn't get towed yesterday, jerks the only day I have to sleep in and I can't!! Well I guess I don't know anything else, I am going to go on netflix and find a movie to watch while I wait for my next class, which starts at 12:30!! Bye
Monday, December 03, 2007
Bachlorette Party!!
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