Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, December 17, 2007

"Are you a Queen??"

Hello! Well Jese and I are finally married!! We had a blast at the wedding! On Saturday I got up bright and early and had my hair done then I went to the church and got ready for the wedding!! We took picuters from 11:30-1:00 and I couldn't smile for any more pictures!! At 2:00 the wedding started and I managed not to cry uncontrolably!! I knew if I started I wouldn't be able to stop so I controled myself!! We thought the wedding went great and the singing was amazing!! After that we took some pictures outside and headed to the Elks for some supper!! I was starving but I couldn't really eat because as soon as I tried to my dress got to tight :( But the mashed potatoes were really good!! Then we danced the rest of the night away!! Last night we got home and we unpacked all of the presents then we went to Walmart and printed off all of our pictures and bought a new camera with some christmas money we got and with Jese's christmas bonus discount! We ended up getting over $30 off!! After looking at our pictures we realized that we don't really have any pictures of us together so if you have some could you please send them to us!! Well I have to go potty now so bye!!

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