Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Hello Hello!!!

Hello! Well I am almost finished with my classes!!! I have one more class today and then I am finished! I just found out that my accounting final is open book and I have from 8 AM Friday until 3 PM Wednesday to get it done, but only 2 hours once I start taking it, so hopefully I do really good on it since I can use the book!! I don't really know if I have my intermediate Stats class today so me and another kid are sitting in the room waiting to see if we have it, we probably don't but oh well!! Next I have finance, boring!! On tuesday that class was cancelled, I wish is it was today too so I could go home and eat some lunch! Next week I only have two finals, one on Monday at 10:30 and one on Wednesday at 3:30 then I am FINISHED!!! Yeepee!! I am ready to be done! Plus as soon as I am done with my finals I am heading home for the wedding!! Yesterday I cleaned the apartment but I didn't clean the bathroom because that is Jese's job!! I had to get up at 7:30 to move my car so it didn't get towed yesterday, jerks the only day I have to sleep in and I can't!! Well I guess I don't know anything else, I am going to go on netflix and find a movie to watch while I wait for my next class, which starts at 12:30!! Bye

1 comment:

jayne said...

Christa do you want to bring something to Grandmas for xmas?I dont remember if i asked you.Let me know,thanks jayne.