Hello!! Well since I haven't gone tanning since November I thought that it would be a good idea to start going agin! On tuesday I went for 15 minutes and didn't get red at all so yesterday I decided to go for 20 minutes and yes I got burned!! Not too bad though, like I can sit down without crying in pain from a burned butt!! My legs hurt the most but that is just because I am being forced to wear pants so they are rubbing on my legs, stupid pants I don't know why I have to wear them anyways!! On Sunday I have a mandatory work meeting and they said that it will last at least two hours!! I said that I didn't care though because I get paid to just sit there and listen to them talk!! Yesterday we got all booked up by 6:30, but that is just because there were only two stylists working and one of them was doing a color so there was only one cutting. I'm hungry! This class is so boring right, he is going over accounting stuff that I learned way back in high school and is super easy, that is why I am only half-way paying attention!! I am still getting A's in all of my classes by the way!! On Wednesday we had two group quizes in my night class and we got 4 points off total but then I did a crossword puzzle for 3 extra credit points so I have only lost 1 point so far in that class, man I am smart!! My business law class is way better this semester, I like this teacher way better! Today we talked about ethics so we had to decided if it was okay to sell cheap wine to homeless people, pretty much the whole class is money greedy and decided that it was okay to sell cheap wine to homeless people!! My group said that they should market college graduates instead so at least we aren't going straight to hell!! Today when I go home I am going to wash a load of work clothes because I have none to wear today, not a good thing!! Good thing I have 2 1/2 hours before I have to go to work after my classes are done! This weekend it is supposed to get up to 35 degrees!! I hope all of the snow melts so I don't have to deal with it at work anymore, it makes the floor very dirty! My neck is itchy because it is burned :( I was going to go tanning again tomorrow but I guess I will wait untill Tuesday to go again! Jese got feeder fish a few days ago and I don't any of them have been eaten yet :( We probably have the only friendly Oscar in the world. Last night we didn't feed him to see if he would eat the fish and he didn't, jerk! I gave in and gave him food today because I wanted the chilid to eat. Well we are going to work on a problem now so I must go!! Have a nice and happy day!
Christa Wadekamper-Rugroden
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