Stupid tv, nothing is on!

Hello again! So nothing new is happening. Today I left work at 6:45 because it was so dead and boring! But is okay because I am going to be working on tuesday for the other receptionist so she can take her CPI exam for her other job. I don't think I told you but at work they changed the receptionist hours, now we get done at 7:30 instead of 8 because it hasn't been busy but I will stay anyways if I want to! Jese got a job in Altura doing some drywall. We have to drive back to Faribault on Tuesday to get his tools out of Dad's garage so he can actually do the job. He said it will only take him 4 days so that is good! He likes his new job at the Family Children Center he can even come home and work if he wants to because part of the night alls he has to do is call all of the kids and he can do that where ever he wants to. Today I tried to take off my fake nails but they wouldn't come off so I jsut cut them as short as I could! Eventually they will grow out! Jese and I got a puzzle today to put together on the card table but after we were almost done with the border we discovered that the puzzle was to long for the table so we had to move it to the kitchen table instead! Well I guess I don't really know anything else and my computer is almost dead so I guess I will go put the dishes away!
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