Hello everyone!! So is anyone else freezing!! I wish it would warm up. The Winona School District is so lame, they had school start 2 hours late today, they are going to have to start making up days pretty soon I would think seeing as they cancel school, get out early, or start late like once every week, at least!! Today is my only day off from work this week and I have a stupid afternoon class so pretty much it isn't a day off! I have to make cookies today because I promised Jese that I would make them, plus I want them!! I am going to make rochester cookies, yummy!! So one of the girls from work is sick and she went to the docter and he said that she MIGHT have pnemonia so now she is telling everyone that she does have it, and they didn't even take x-rays of her chest. I doubt she has it because yesterday she came into work and she was just fine. She just had a chest cold is my guess, baby!! Jese did the laundry last night, that was very nice of him!! Now I don't have to try to get it done today! I'm thirsty :( I just got some homework back, I got 20/20, I am so smart!! Today in between my classes I have to try to get all of my homework done and clean the apartment, it is a mess! I also want to make some banana bread for Jese because I told him that if he left the banana's so they were old I would make it for him! I should stop telling him I will make things for him because it is really cutting into my days off!! This weekend I am going home for the trenda thing that is going on, I don't really know what it is but I do know it is sometime on Sunday. If my car is done I will come back on Saturday so I can get it, otherwise I won't be coming until Sunday. I kind of wish I didn't have to go back at all because I have too many things to do on just 2 days off, but oh well. I have four tests next week :( I am not happy about it. So on Saturday I am going to study as much as I can for them so I don't have to do it at 8:00 at night every night after work. Next week I have to work on Tuesday again :( But then the following week is spring break so I won't have school and I have tuesday off, yeepee!! Brrr....I am soooo cold!! We just got done going over our homework in class, I had it all right, well pretty much all right, I just fixed 2 things! Gosh I wish I didn't have class tonight :( It is from 3-6 it is super boring. America's Next Top Model starts tonight!!! I wish it was warm enough to wear shorts and tank tops!! That would be nice! My nose is cold, hehe!!! We were supposed to have a work meeting on Sunday but since they forgot to hang up the sign untill yesterday and because everyone is sick, it got changed to March 2nd!! Good thing since I won't be in town on Sunday! I hope my car is done, I want to get it NOW!! Plus Amy wants my car right now! Okay well we are going over some new stuff now so I better pay attention!!
Later Gators!!
The Trenda thing is for Grandpa and Grandma's birthdays. Grandpa turned 91 on the 13th and Grandma's birthday is on March 15.
more summer fish pics baby!
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