Hello everyone!! Yesterday at work it was super dead, until the last hour, then it was busy. After work Jese and went to Lacrosse, we went to Petsmart and I got super sad because there were the cutest little kittens, well they weren't really kittens, they were cats! Their names were 12 Toed Tom, Kingsly, Eloise, Versace, and BRONX, yes Bronx like puppy bronx Amy has!!! They were all soo cute I wanted to take them all home, but I couldn't :( Today I worked again, it was super dead at work, it was BORING!! But that is okay because then it meant that I didn't really have to work! After work we had a meeting, I found out that my hours were cut again, now I don't work until 4:00, but that is okay since I work tuesdays so it ends up being the same amount of hours that I used to work. I also found out today that for the first time EVER I can't go to the Becker Easter :( Every year we normally go to the Rugroden side for lunch and the Becker's for supper, but I guess Jese's family decided to have theirs in Wisconisn this year :( So I guess I will see everyone in October since that is the next time we will get together. Well my pizza just got done that Jese made so I'm going to have to go!