Hello!! Last night Jese and I rearranged the living room, this is what it looks like, sweet huh!! I also hooked up the sound system so after 8 months of living here we can finally use it again!! We watched enchanted last night too, I loved it!! For supper we got chinese delivered, that is what I am going to have for lunch if I ever get to it! I dropped out of my accounting class yesterday and today they finally put up the summer classes and the aren't offering it..Grrrr!! That is okay though there are other classes I can take, so far I have found 3
classes I plan on taking. Yesterday I had a test in Organizational Dynamics, I got 86%! That means I got 8 out 60 questions wrong. I forgot to flip the picture of my plant that I got around but oh well, at least you can see it!! I have a test this afternoon, I don't really want to take it but I guess I will since I have to!! I had yesterday and today off of work, it has been nice! I didn't get my hair colored yesterday because now I am not getting it done till the middle of April because there is a nation wide competition for the stylists and I am letting one
of them use me so she is going to cut and color my hair all funky, my regrowth is driving me nuts right now though!! Well I am to hungry to write any more so later gators!!
you need some pictures on your walls. You should go to Ikea and get some. They have some nice ones and they are cheap. Good job on the test you took and good luck on the next one.
maybe you should but me some pictures, then i would have some!!!!
i like your red rug, when did you get it, you never told me!!!! HOOKER:) you better bring up some games to play on saturday!!!
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