Hello again!! This is my second time updating today, man you guys are LUCKY!! So it looks like me and Jese are going to walk/jog the Fools 5 race and papa and Amy are going to come run it! I think it will be fun, minus the fact I haven't ran since high school and don't even own a pair of running shoes that aren't falling apart!! So my test score was finally put up and it said that I had 62/100 but when I got to class I saw that she really messed up my score, really I had 77/100 so that is much better, plus now I still have an A in the class, but just hardly!! This afternoon Jese and I played games!! We played Operation and I won, then we played Mancala and I won 2 out 3 games, then we played Ultimite Yatzee and Jese won :( Jerk. My class is getting done way early today because my teacher wants to watch the WSU basketball game, well I guess pretty much everyone wants to see it but me!! We should have flown my kite today but instead we played games, maybe tomorrow we will be able to! I have to take April 28th off of work because I have a final from 3:30-5:30, darn, I am sure they will miss since yesterday I worked for a whole 2 hours and pretty much did nothing! Well I guess I don't know anything else so later gators!
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