This morning I asked Jese if he would get me a bookshelf, this is what he came back with!!! I think it is big enough!!! Now I have pleanty of room for all of my books! I really don't know anything today! I studied this morning, then I rearranged the study like I wanted to but I still haven't done the bedroom, maybe I will another day. I got really sneezy from cleaning yesterday and today, I guess I should dust more!! We are going to watch National Treasure 2 and I am going to put some movies on ebay now. When we got our HD-DVD player we got 6 movies free with a mail in thing, well they finally sent us our movies and they aren't the ones I wanted so I am selling them on ebay now. They are transformers (we already have that one) billy madison, and smokin' aces. We also got two other ones but we are keeping those. Okay well that is all I know so have a nice day!!later gators,Christa
there are only 8 more days left untill Jese and I get to leave for our road trip!! we have everything ready except for milk, bread, lunch meat, and a couple of other things! I packed up all of our stuff today, not our clothes or bathroom stuff though!! Yesterday we shopped all day!! We went to best buy and got a cd player for my car so now we can listen to the ipod, then we went to Kohls because all of there clothes were 50-70% off!! then we went to barns & nobel and we both got some books, then we went to Sam's club and got some food for the trip!! Oh yeah we also ate at the Olive Garden, it was sooo delicous!! The bread sticks were my favorite part!!! We didn't get home until 4:00 and we left at like 11:00 am to go shopping!!! Now we are all ready to go! today we cleaned cleaned cleaned!! Now the living room and kitchen are done, tomorrow I am going to do the study and bedroom, i didn't do them today because i want to rearrange them! i am also going to get rid of my desk because it sucks balls and we don't use it ever! now we have jese's desk and that is good enough! i also need to study lots and lots for my test that i have on monday so i do good, i studied a little bit today but not too much! okay well jese is making chicken fajitas right now so i am going to get ready for supper! later gators,christa
I just thought I would update today so I could show Amy that I am still over 100 posts ahead of her!! haha!! Jese and I decided that we aren't going up north this weekend. I have a final on Monday for one of my online classes that I need to do good on because I did bad on the midterm. In case you were wondering for the midterm and final we have to go in and take the test so we can't use our books :( Jerks!! Plus now I will be able to get a lot of homework done that will be due over our trip so that will be good! We leave in 11 days!!!! woohoo! I could have worked today but they aren't busy so I decided not to since I wasn't scheduled anyways! Right now I am watching Ellen, it is a repeat but I haven't seen it yet! Okay well I don't know anything so later gators!Christa
Hello!! In 12 days Jese and I finally get to go on our trip out west!! I am super excited!! We decided we are going to drive to Sioux Falls, SD on Sunday night because we get done with work at 3:00, so we figured why not leave a day early so then we can have more time to play instead of drive on Monday! Yesterday work was boring, I left about 1/2 an hour early again. I might end up working tomorrow if they are busy, they will call me if they need me. Then I work on Thursday and then we are going up north on Friday!! We are coming back on Sunday though, so it is just a weekend trip :( But then I work Monday and Thursday, have friday off, work Saturday and Sunday and then leave!!!! Today I have to homework in the library again :( On monday I have a final for one of my classes and next thursday I have one in another class and then I just have 2 online classes for the rest of the summer!! That will be nice! Okay well I guess I better pay attention in class because Jese is taking lots of notes and I'm not taking any!! hehe!later gators,christa

This weekend I finally got to go camping!! Jese and I went camping with my friends in Zumbro Falls this weekend! We got there Friday around 5:00 and left Sunday around noon! We went tubing, played mini golf, horseshoes, a little bit of frisbee golf, and ate lots!! It was lots of fun but when we got back I was really tired and stuffed up because it rained out and that makes me sneeze :( We went to Petsmart and got some new fish for our fish tank because Jese killed all of ours! Then when we got back I went to sleep at about 6:30 because I took zyrtek and it made me sleepy. I woke up at 8 for supper and then I watched a little bit of Gilmore Girls and then I fell back to sleep until Jese woke me up at 8:30 this morning! Now I'm not tired but I have to take a shower when I am done with class because my hair is dirty! Okay well since I am in class I better pay attention.Later gators,
My husband is sooo smart!! He made the Deans List again for the spring semester, we got the letter in the mail yesterday!! I am sooo proud of him! He works from 3-11 everyother night and everyother weekend plus he goes to school all day long and he still manages to pull of really good grades! I am super jealous! When I grow up I want to be just like him, only a girl and not a psychologist!! Good job honey!!Christa
It happened again, we got stuck in the apartment because the parking lot flooded again. We had a test in our morning class that we had to miss but Jese got ahold of our prof. and he told us we could take it tomorrow morning at 10:00 instead of today. Now all of the water is gone so now we can leave. I wish it was still there though so I wouldn't have to go to work!! At least I only work for 3 1/2 hours!! Right now I am watching Tyra, it isn't very exciting. Okay well I really don't know anything I just thought I would let you all know that the parking lot flooded again!Later Gators,Christa
Boy, I sure do have a lot of lovers!! The other night we watched Grease so I got to see my first lover before he got old, fat, and bald!! It is a good thing I watched it again because I noticed something new!! In the scene where Danny and Sandy are at the Drive In and she walks out of the car, you can see the word Jerk wrote in the dirt on Danny's car!! I just thought everyone should know that!! Right now I am in class, Jese is late, he went to the bathroom to peel the dead skin off his face and I told him not to come back till it was all off, I guess he took me seariously!! Oh he just came back in!! Yesterday I stayed in the library until 2:00 doing homework! Today I am going to do the same thing. After I got done doing homework we dropped off our health insurance application at the post office, then we picked up my car from the mechanic, the AC needed to be charged. Then we went out to eat at the Ground Round, it was delcious!! Then we went to LaCrosse to look at CD players at Best Buy because the one in my car doesn't have the connecter for my iPod. We found one but they couldn't install it until a different day so we didn't get it. So then we went to the mall and I got 5 pairs of underware for $25, a pair of shoes from payless, and Jese got a game from gamestop. We also went to Petsmart to get Pizza another collar that she can't escape out of when we bring her outside, hopefully this one works!! I wanted to get some new fish but Jese didn't want to kill Oscey so we didn't get any. If anyone wants an Oscar for free you can come take ours, you can even have the chilid too if you want!! Then I can get a bunch of little cute fish!! Okay well since I am in class I guess I better listen!!Later Gators,Christa
Oh it is love!! I am in the library right now and I went to find the bean bag chairs Jese always talked about and I found them and I am pretty sure I am never getting off of them!! They are perfect, they are way bigger than any other one I have every sat on, and the one I am sitting at has a back rest too!! Ahh, isn't love grand!Later gators,Christa
Hello again!! Well I don't know anything new, I was just getting complaints about not updating my blog!! I worked this weekend, it was boring and dead so I left early on Saturday and Sunday. Jese was in Faribo working with Papa on a barn all weekend, I bugged him yesterday because I wanted him to come home because I was bored, good thing I was the one who told him he was working with Papa!! I just ate a taco, I have been eating them all weekend because we had them last week so I was eating the left overs so I wouldn't have to cook anything!! Well I don't really know anything so later gators!Christa
Hello! Don't worry I am still alive!! I went to Wal mart and when I got back scary crow was gone! I was very happy he left so I baked a cake! It is my polka dot cake!! I really don't know anything I just wanted to put up a picture of my latest cake!!Later Gators,Cakin' Christa

This is the crow that is sitting on my porch that will not go away. I tried to scare it away by opening the door but then it turned and faced me and looked at me like it was picturing what my eye balls tasted like and I had a flash back of the movie The Birds and so I closed the door and called everyone to tell them good bye! This is for those of you that I did not was nice knowing you! If you find my body without eyeballs it is because the crow broke in and ate my eye balls and pecked me to death!ChristaP.S. it has now moved to the top of the chair
Hello again! Well on Saturday morning we got up bright and early and I found out that I didn't have any shoes to go with my outfit so we had to leave early for Waseca so we could stop at Target and get shoes! I also got a new purse and necklace! When we got to Waseca I dropped Jese off at his dad's and then I went to his aunts house for his cousins shower. After that I went to Faribo, stopped at home to start my laundry, then I went to Alicia's for her brothers graduation party! It was lots of fun! At 5:30 I went to the photographer's and picked up my pictures, but she took the 5x7 and 4x5's out of the box to show me the big pictures and she forgot to put them back in! As soon as I got in my car I figured it out and I tried to get a hold of her right away but I couldn't so now I don't have all of my pictures :( Then I went back to Alicias! Today I mowed the lawn at dad's house (aka, my future house) Well really I only did the front lawn because I didn't have enough time to do the back because I had a work meeting at 4:30 and I had to pick up Jese from waseca. I got to Winona just in time for the meeting and then I found out that the other receptionist was told she didn't have to be there but nobody bothered to call me and tell me that, and it only last 15 minutes...I wasn't very happy about it. We want to go swimming but there are lots of people out there :( Well that is all I know for now so later gators!Christa