Hey Lover!!
Boy, I sure do have a lot of lovers!! The other night we watched Grease so I got to see my first lover before he got old, fat, and bald!! It is a good thing I watched it again because I noticed something new!! In the scene where Danny and Sandy are at the Drive In and she walks out of the car, you can see the word Jerk wrote in the dirt on Danny's car!! I just thought everyone should know that!! Right now I am in class, Jese is late, he went to the bathroom to peel the dead skin off his face and I told him not to come back till it was all off, I guess he took me seariously!! Oh he just came back in!! Yesterday I stayed in the library until 2:00 doing homework! Today I am going to do the same thing. After I got done doing homework we dropped off our health insurance application at the post office, then we picked up my car from the mechanic, the AC needed to be charged. Then we went out to eat at the Ground Round, it was delcious!! Then we went to LaCrosse to look at CD players at Best Buy because the one in my car doesn't have the connecter for my iPod. We found one but they couldn't install it until a different day so we didn't get it. So then we went to the mall and I got 5 pairs of underware for $25, a pair of shoes from payless, and Jese got a game from gamestop. We also went to Petsmart to get Pizza another collar that she can't escape out of when we bring her outside, hopefully this one works!! I wanted to get some new fish but Jese didn't want to kill Oscey so we didn't get any. If anyone wants an Oscar for free you can come take ours, you can even have the chilid too if you want!! Then I can get a bunch of little cute fish!! Okay well since I am in class I guess I better listen!!Later Gators,Christa
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