A fun weekend!!
Hello! Well this weekend I had lots of fun! Jese and I got to waseca on friday night around 9:30, then we went to bed shortly after that because we had to get up early on Saturday! We got up at 6:30 so I could go to garage sales and Jese went to work with my papa! I got lots of good holiday decorations!! After the garage sales Amy, Adam, Sammie, me, and babies went to the parade, I got lots of candy!! After that we went back to Amy's house where I took a nap! That night Alicia came over and we (Me, her, and Jese) went to Club 57 to watch Speakeasy play. It was lots of fun but I don't think Alicia was feeling so great on Sunday!! Then on Sunday we went back home and I was soooo sleepy from getting up early and staying up late so I took an hour nap, plus the nap I took on the ride home!! Oh yeah, I forgot to write that Amy made yummy cinnamin rolls on Saturday morning and scrambled eggs on Sunday morning for us!! Now I am all stuffed up from staying at Amy's house and I am not happy about it!! My throat is all scratchy and clogged up and so is my nose. Mama and me decided that I must be allergic to puppies, either that or I am allergic to Amy!! That would be funny! This morning I got up early to do some homework that is due tomorow so after my first class today I can study for my accounting test I have tomorow. I was supposed to study yesterday but since I fell asleep it didn't really happen! Okay well my class starts in ten minutes and I don't know anything else!Bye,Christa
Very good picture of you two!
i think your allergic to me,hahhahahahhahaha
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