Hola! We must have got robbers as new neighbors because in the past month we have had two netflix gone missing when we mail them. Our mailbox isn't large enough to put the movies in so everyone puts them on top of all of the mailboxes and then the mailman takes them, well on Monday I mailed one but for some reason the mailman didn't take it because it was still there at 7:30 at night and then on Tuesday morning when I went to school it was gone, so someone other than the mailman took it. Just a week or so ago the same thing happened. Yesterday I mailed a movie and Netflix got it this morning so that one wasn't stolen. Jerks, Jese is going to call the office today and complain to them that someone is stealing our mail, they probably won't care and they will tell him to call the post office and complain. From now on he is going to drop off the movies at the post office because he works right next to it so it isn't like he will have to go out of his way to mail the movies. I forgot to bring a snack with me today to school so I had to buy a nut roll for $1!!! I am still hungry so I will probably buy another snack before my class starts. Okay well I don't really know anything else, bye!Christa
1 comment:
they are actually smart people, they can watch the movies for free!!!
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