Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


If you know me well you know my gray sweatshirt that is falling apart but I love anyways and wear it all the time!! Well yesterday I started to clean out the closet and I decided it was time to part ways with it. The sleeves were falling apart, there was hair dye on the hood, and paint on the sleeves, it was time to say good bye. So I had Jese throw it away for me because I couldn't bear to do it myself!! It will be missed, it fit me better than any other sweatshirt I got to replace it! I also discovered when cleaning out my closet that I am pretty sure I am allergic to dust, so now my list is dust, candles, amy's house, puppies, and rain, oh and penicillan and amoxicillian!! Can't forget those last two, they make me do more than just sneeze! Last night I was so sleepy, I went to bed at 10:00, but then I got up at 7:45 this morning because I woke up early!! Today Jese is skipping our energy class so he can go work because if he works extra hard today he might be able to finish tomorow, that would be nice because then he would have this weekend off!! We are staying home this weekend and not doing anything!! I am excited! Okay well I have to go dry my hair and then do some more homework before my class starts!

1 comment:

Sharon said...

I don't believe you threw the sweatshirt away....I bet you ran out to the dumpster and got it back out when Jese was not looking.