I wish I were here today...
...I wish I were snowed in today so I wouldn't have to be in class right now! Today I had a test in my law class, I think I did okay, probably a B! Right now I am tax, he is super boring. I wish there was snow on the ground so if I fell down the ground would be soft. Or if I got thristy I could just scoop up some snow. If there was snow on the ground I could make a snowman and a snowangel to keep him company. If there were snow on the ground that would mean it is Christmas time and then I could have my Christmas decorations up. If there were snow on the ground that would mean it would be cold out always and I could bundle up in blankets and in scarfs and mittens! With the snow comes the silence that just isn't there when there are leaves on the ground and lots of people walking on them. School sometimes gets cancelled when it snows and work isn't busy. When it snows out it will mean Jese is about done with school (p.s. his graduation date is Dec. 12 at 9:30 if you want to come) When there is snow it is cold out so eating home made chicken noodle soup is a MUST, and chicken noodle soup is my favorite! When it snows that means that it will be winter break and I will get a month off of school, that would be nice, it will be longer than my summer break! Along with the snow comes my favorite thing of all, Christmas music!! I love christmas music, it is happy! The snow brings with it the Grinch and Roudolph, Christmas Vacation! But for now, I guess I will settle for the lowering temps, the changing leaves, and the meat that is sure to come soon! So for now I will enjoy it while it lasts because we all know, the fall is much better than the summer!Christa
Soooo do you want it to snow or what????
Nut Job
I've decided you're nuts! Just a couple days ago you wanted Summer. I can't even imagine how poor poor Jese can live with someone who changes their mind a lot. Obviously, you need help.
~Alicia :-)
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