A lot happened this year! Jese moved from Winona to Amy's basement while I finished up school, then we moved to Waterville for a short while, and then we bought our first house in New Prague! Jese has had 3 jobs, all in different towns and he has started graduate school and got all A's! I quit my favorite job to concentrate on finishing school and now have a new seasonal job! We went on many trips up north and went on one camping trip! Here is our year in pictures:
We played in the snow!

We celebrated Christmas!
Oreo and Pizza grew a bit more!

Celebrated Josie's 1st birthday!
Celebrated Thanksgiving!
Went deer hunting!

Had our first trick-or-treaters!
We had lots of visitors!
We bought our first house!
We had lots of fish babies!
Visited the zoo!

Jese started two new jobs!
We got a puppy, named him Link, and then named him Kipper!
I ran Grandma's Half Marathon!
One of our trips up north!
Camping trip to Whitewater State Park
One of the trips up north!
I graduated!
Up north for ice fishing!
Enjoying the first nice weather in Winona
Celebrated Liam's 2nd birthday!
Made lots of cookies!
and did some handy work!