Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Rick and Jese doing plumbing work!
Well it has happened, my life is over, I got a seasonal job at Target today. Starting Tuesday I have to work :( Cassie is going to be my boss!!! Today I spent the whole day up in Eden Prarie getting hired. So this is my last weekend of freedom! Starting next week Jese is changing his hours at work. He is now going to work 4 10 hour shifts instead of 3 12 hour shifts. It will work out better because he has to be up there on Wednesdays anyways for his work meeting and school so now he will just go to work after that. He will now go in at 10:45 pm and be done at 8:15 am, so he will have more time to sleep during the day and more time to be awake at home! Okay well I don't know much!

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