drip, drip!!

Hello! Well today Jese and Rick had to put on their plumbing hats!! That's right, we had a leak! It was just a very small, slow leak underneath our kitchen so not that big of a deal since Jese saw it right away! Since Rick was here teaching Jese how to do plumbing they also fixed the spouts going to the washer so now I don't have to turn them on and off everytime I use the washer!! They also leaked! So for now our house is leak free! While they did that I made thin mints, cleaned out my bow case, and started on my Christmas cards. So far I have stamped 10 cards, only 40 more to go!! I counted everyone I mail them out to and came up with 29, but then I realized I forgot to count Jese's family!! So I am just going to make 50, if that isn't enough then I guess a few people will get left out, I will make sure it is someone that doesn't send out cards anyways! Last year we probably got 10 cards!! Nobody sends them out anymore :( I think everyone is losing the Christmas spirit, jerks!! Yesterday Jese and I went to the pet store here just to check it out, they had hardly anything!! We did get Kipper a new toy though because he once again tore all of his apart!! Then we went to radio shack and got me a new phone charger since mine I had to fight with every night to get it to work!! It was very nice just plugging it in and having it work last night! After that we went to the grocery store and got kleenexes! Good thing we got them because today I got super stuffy again :( I am supposed to go make cookies tomorrow at Amy's house but if I am still stuffy tonight I probably won't because then I will just get her and the children sick who will then just get me sick AGAIN!! Okay well that is all for today!!Christa
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