Yesssss!!! I just finished my presentation, and two tests I had today!! I got a B on my Fraud test and my tax test was the worst test of my life!!! It was only 25 question, multiple choice, and it took every single person the full 1 hr and 20 min. to take it, and we could have used longer! It was quite difficult, good thing he curves the grade a ton so we don't all fail!! My presentation went pretty good, one guy from our group didn't show up because of the weather (He lives in lacrosse) so we had to try to do his part of the presentation. I am sure we did a good job. Right now I am pretending to listen to the other presentation that is going on right now. Last night we watched Swing Vote and Nim's Island, I loved Nim's Island and Swing Vote was really good too! I have to pee :( Hopefully their presentation isn't too long. Yum, someone has a twix bar sitting on the table in front of me, it looks really yummy! I heard they hired a new receptionist at work so my plan is to have her do all of my work on Saturday when I have to train her in, hahaha!! I also have to train in a stylist on Saturday so I really won't have to do anything at all because I will get those two to do it all!!!!! On Sunday after work I am going to go to Waseca and stay at Amy's until Tuesday!! On Tuesday Amy, Dad, and I are all going up to visit Cassie because we are so nice! Well I guess I don't know anything else!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Thank you Mama!!
Hello! Today I got flowers from my mama! She is sooo nice, I have the nicest mama ever! (oh and Amy wanted to send me some too because she is soo nice but mother beat her to it!) They smell really good and are really pretty! I would put a picture up of them but I can't because I am in the library and don't have my camera with me! Why am I in the library you ask, oh just because my stupid group didn't get anything done yesterday so I had to come here again today, jerks! They better have gotten something done today so tonight we don't have to be here forever! Okay well I saw one of them come in a little while ago, I am going to go hunt him down. Have a great day!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Can't this week just be over!!
Good morning! So I am ready for this stupid week to be over! Yesterday I got up bright and early (8:30) so I could get ready for the day and go to the library!! I was there by 10:00 and I stayed there until 1:00. Then I went to a study room in another building to meet with a girl about a paper we have due today, which she didn't even do any work on before we meet. So needless to say, I don't think we are going to get a very good grade on our paper, hopefully she emails me today before class with some additions to it. Then after that we both decided that it was a good day to skip class because we had nothing do and no quiz so I came home to do some homework, bad idea!! I ended up falling asleep on the couch from about 3:30 to 5:30, then I was supposed to make supper but seeing as I just woke up I didn't want to so Jese brought Subway home. So I didn't get any homework done last night becuase shortly after supper I went to bed! I fell asleep around 9:30!!! I got up at 8:00 this morning though so hopefully I can get some stuff done before my classes today. At 5:30 I have to meet with my other group for our presentation we have on Thursday, hopefully they got some stuff done, I haven't yet but that is what I am going to work on as soon as I get done eating and taking a shower, hopefully I don't fall asleep! Okay well I better get to that, have a nice day!
Only 3 more days til Spring Break starts, yea!!!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Okay this time I really did!!
Hello! Well I really did quit my job this time! Yesterday I put in my two weeks. On Friday after having a slight break down to my mama Jese and I decided it would be the best thing for me to do. I am having troubles in one of my classes because I just don't have time to study for it and since I want to graduate in May I need to pass all of my classes. It will be nice not to have to do everything all at the same time anymore! Not much has happened since my last update. On Thursday I had classes all day, oh wait no I didn't, Thursday was a good day because one of my classes was cancelled! I still had two classes though. I had a presentation in one, we did good, I don't know the grade yet but I am sure it is good! On Friday, Saturday, and today I worked. I didn't sleep at all Friday night because of my break down (oh and just to clarify, me quitting isn't because of my break-down!) Last night I slept wonderfully! I snored and slept on Jese's side of the bed so he had no room at all, HAHAHA!!! Today after work I went to the library and did some homework. I was supposed to meet with my group at 5 but once again only one other person showed up! So we split everything up and emailed the other two and told them what to have done by Tuesday, which is the next time we are meeting. After I got home I did the dishes and then made my supper. I had deer hot dogs, they were delish! Then I did some homework and that puts me up to right now! I have to get up bright and early Monday morning so I can register for Summer classes and so I can do some more homework. At 1:00 I have to meet with a girl to do a project that is due on Tuesday. Then on Tuesday I have to meet with my other group so we can get ready for our presentation on Thursday.We were supposed to have a 30-40 page book report on Thursday also but we got him to move it back to the week after spring break, yea!! Sometime this week I have to also study for my tax test and fraud test which are both on Thursday. Okay well I have to do some homework now.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I'm sleepy

Sunday, February 15, 2009
Liam's Birthday Party
Saturday, February 14, 2009
9 hours total!!
Happy Valentines Day!

Thursday, February 12, 2009
My Hands Are Frozen!!!
Hello!! Well I have discovered I can't run the Green Bay Half Marathon because that is the weekend of Grandma and Grandpa Becker's anniversary party. So I decided that that isn't going to stop me, I finally got the motivation to run (even though I haven't started yet) so I am going to find a half marathon to do. So far these are my options:
Stillwater Marathon 5/24/09
Med-City Marathon 5/24/09 (Rochester)
Madison Marathon 5/24/09
So those are my options, I guess May 24 is a popular day for Marathons! So who ever wants to run with me is welcome! I am hoping the weather is nice next week so maybe I can start running, hopefully!! There is one in Fargo that I thought would be fun but it is the day after I graduate and I don't think I would have time to get there since it is on Saturday and not Sunday.
So this week I haven't been as lazy as I have been! I got the bedroom all rearranged and it looks way better and cleaner! I cooked supper on Tuesday and Wednesday and Jese did today. I have cleaned a little bit too I think! This morning I got up at 8:30, ate, did my homework, and got ready for the day. Then I went to Walmart to get ink for our printer so I could print out my homework and they were out unless I wanted both colored and black ink! Then I looked for a jig stick for Jese (he is going up north ice fishing this weekend) and they didn't have that either! So then I went to target and found the same thing!! I ended up getting the pack that had colored and black because I had to print stuff out before school so I really had no choice!! I also got a photo album so then when I got back home I put half of my pictures away (about 450) and then the album got too full and I couldn't fit any more pictures in it so now I have to buy another album for the rest of the pictures. Right now I am watching Gilmore Girls, I should have just gotten home but I skipped my last class because I didn't really feel like sitting in it and I was hungry! Tomorow I have to get up early because I have to go to work and get my pay check and bring it to the bank before I work. Jese has to get up early to but I am not saying why because I don't want to jinx anything, too many people know what he is doint tomorrow as it is! Plus it is Friday the 13th tomorrow so no more talking about what he is doing tomorrow! Oh, I can say he is going up north tomorrow, jerk! Okay well that is all I know, later gators!
Oh yea, I did have some pictures to post but I lost my camera again, opps!
Stillwater Marathon 5/24/09
Med-City Marathon 5/24/09 (Rochester)
Madison Marathon 5/24/09
So those are my options, I guess May 24 is a popular day for Marathons! So who ever wants to run with me is welcome! I am hoping the weather is nice next week so maybe I can start running, hopefully!! There is one in Fargo that I thought would be fun but it is the day after I graduate and I don't think I would have time to get there since it is on Saturday and not Sunday.
So this week I haven't been as lazy as I have been! I got the bedroom all rearranged and it looks way better and cleaner! I cooked supper on Tuesday and Wednesday and Jese did today. I have cleaned a little bit too I think! This morning I got up at 8:30, ate, did my homework, and got ready for the day. Then I went to Walmart to get ink for our printer so I could print out my homework and they were out unless I wanted both colored and black ink! Then I looked for a jig stick for Jese (he is going up north ice fishing this weekend) and they didn't have that either! So then I went to target and found the same thing!! I ended up getting the pack that had colored and black because I had to print stuff out before school so I really had no choice!! I also got a photo album so then when I got back home I put half of my pictures away (about 450) and then the album got too full and I couldn't fit any more pictures in it so now I have to buy another album for the rest of the pictures. Right now I am watching Gilmore Girls, I should have just gotten home but I skipped my last class because I didn't really feel like sitting in it and I was hungry! Tomorow I have to get up early because I have to go to work and get my pay check and bring it to the bank before I work. Jese has to get up early to but I am not saying why because I don't want to jinx anything, too many people know what he is doint tomorrow as it is! Plus it is Friday the 13th tomorrow so no more talking about what he is doing tomorrow! Oh, I can say he is going up north tomorrow, jerk! Okay well that is all I know, later gators!
Oh yea, I did have some pictures to post but I lost my camera again, opps!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
It is so warm!!

Monday, February 09, 2009
It's a heat wave!!!
Hello! I just looked at the weather and right now it is 50 degrees outside!! No wonder it is so warm in here!! I love the weather now, no more -30 degrees, no more bundling up, yea!!! Today I didn't do to much. This morning Jese and I caught up on all of our TV shows we missed that were on last week. Then I went to school and took my test, I think I did okay on it. Then I went tanning, I didn't even have to pay because I had one more session left from last year! It was busy, I am going to have to go in the morning from now on. Then I came home and I haven't really done much. I decided I am going to run the half marathon in May in Green Bay, I think I might start running sometime soon! Notice how I didn't say a day, that is because if I do that day will come and I'll be like oh I don't feel like it and then everyone will ask me if I ran and I will have to say no! Okay well that is all I just wanted to let everyone know what the temp was!
Oh yea, good job shooting this weekend mamma and congrats Alicia on getting engaged!!!
Oh yea, good job shooting this weekend mamma and congrats Alicia on getting engaged!!!
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Yea the snow is going away!
Hello! I am so happy today, the snow is almost all gone!!! I wish it would all just go away and stay warm out, that would be really nice! Yesterday at work it was sooo busy, we had 114 people in 8 hours, that is an average of 19 guests per stylist!!! We were all super tired after that, at 4:30 the owner told me to turn off the open sign even, she never ever lets us turn it off early! Today we were busy again but not as busy! I am tired and my feet hurt from a long weekend at work. Today we had some college kids come in and video us for their class they were student teaching. I even had a line, the guy came in and he said I need a haircut and then I said sarcastically yes you do, that is what the told me to say, I normally don't say that to customers! Last night Jese and I played Life and Monopoly, I lost both games, maybe that is why I don't like playing games with Jese, he never lets me win, jerk! Well I don't really know anything else, have a great day!
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
So Sleepy...
Monday, February 02, 2009
Did you feel that!
Good ol' Spring peaked her eyes open this weekend! It was so warm (okay not that warm) and sunny and nice out on Saturday and Sunday! Spring was thinking about waking up...just another month or so and I can wear my Spring jacket every day! This weekend at work was tiring it was so busy! Both days we were swamped, I couldn't believe it!! Yesterday I went to bed before 9:00 and I didn't get up until 9:30 this morning!! I was so tired! Now I feel much better. Jese is so nice, I shoveled a path from our door to the sidewalk so now if we have to quick run outside we can just go through the sliding door, yea!! I don't really know to much, I just got done doing my accounting homework, it only took me about 15 minutes, it was easy! Now I am going to watch Friday Night Lights while studying for my Auditing test I have tomorow. Well have a great day!
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