I'm sleepy

Hello! I am soo sleepy. Last night around 9:00 I got a huge migrane so I took some excedrin despite the caffine in it and so then I couldn't fall asleep even though I then took a sleepy pill but that didn't work and I ended up laying in bed awake for hours!! Well really only untill 1:00 am, but that was still way to late! This morning I had to get up at 8:00 so I could go to school and take a test so the college of business can become accredidated. I got 153/200, by the end of it I just started picking answers without really reading them because I was sick of doing it. Jese is on his way home right now, yea! We are going to eat fish tonight. I have a class in 40 minutes, I have to print off the homework so I can turn it in. After that I have to meet with a group in the library because we have a presentation on Thursday, hopefully it doesn't take too long. Okay well I guess I better go get ready for class! Christa
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