Good morning! So I am ready for this stupid week to be over! Yesterday I got up bright and early (8:30) so I could get ready for the day and go to the library!! I was there by 10:00 and I stayed there until 1:00. Then I went to a study room in another building to meet with a girl about a paper we have due today, which she didn't even do any work on before we meet. So needless to say, I don't think we are going to get a very good grade on our paper, hopefully she emails me today before class with some additions to it. Then after that we both decided that it was a good day to skip class because we had nothing do and no quiz so I came home to do some homework, bad idea!! I ended up falling asleep on the couch from about 3:30 to 5:30, then I was supposed to make supper but seeing as I just woke up I didn't want to so Jese brought Subway home. So I didn't get any homework done last night becuase shortly after supper I went to bed! I fell asleep around 9:30!!! I got up at 8:00 this morning though so hopefully I can get some stuff done before my classes today. At 5:30 I have to meet with my other group for our presentation we have on Thursday, hopefully they got some stuff done, I haven't yet but that is what I am going to work on as soon as I get done eating and taking a shower, hopefully I don't fall asleep! Okay well I better get to that, have a nice day!Christa
Only 3 more days til Spring Break starts, yea!!!
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