Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Good Bye 2009!

A lot happened this year! Jese moved from Winona to Amy's basement while I finished up school, then we moved to Waterville for a short while, and then we bought our first house in New Prague! Jese has had 3 jobs, all in different towns and he has started graduate school and got all A's! I quit my favorite job to concentrate on finishing school and now have a new seasonal job! We went on many trips up north and went on one camping trip! Here is our year in pictures:
We played in the snow!
We celebrated Christmas!
Oreo and Pizza grew a bit more!
Celebrated Josie's 1st birthday!
Celebrated Thanksgiving!
Went deer hunting!
Had our first trick-or-treaters!
We had lots of visitors!
We bought our first house!
We had lots of fish babies!
Visited the zoo!
Jese started two new jobs!
We got a puppy, named him Link, and then named him Kipper!
I ran Grandma's Half Marathon!
One of our trips up north!
Camping trip to Whitewater State Park
One of the trips up north!
I graduated!
Up north for ice fishing!
Enjoying the first nice weather in Winona
Celebrated Liam's 2nd birthday!
Made lots of cookies!
and did some handy work!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Nothing New Today

Amy snowmobiling at dads!
Dad and Ben working on the snow fort
I buried Jese!
Dad, Jessica, and Ben

Hello everyone! I don't really know much today. I didn't feel like waking up this morning so I didn't get up until 20 minutes before I had to leave! I worked all day today. Tomorrow I don't work until 4:00 tomorrow! Then I have Friday off, yea! I am sleepy, I don't think I will stay up very late tonight. Right now I am watching Kill Bill Vol. 2, it is on TV. Kill Bill Vol. 1 just got over. Jese works tonight, it is his first night out of four. Okay well my eyes hurt so I am done looking at the computer now!

Monday, December 28, 2009

So Sleepy!!

Jese feel asleep yesterday when we were driving to Papas!!

Hello! Right now I am nice a cozy warm because I am using my Snuggie! It is nice and warm! Yesterday Neva and Terrance came down for a little bit then we went to Papas. We went sledding, snowmobiling, and fort building in the snow! We also played some games inside. Jese and I became members of the Faribault Archery Club again so now I can start shooting again, yea! We had lots of fun yesterday! Now today we have to do stuff :( I want to take down all of the Christmas decorations, Jese is bringing my car in to get new tires, alignment, and oil, and we also want to do a little bit of shopping! Tomorrow I have to work :( but not until 3:30! The one thing I hate the most about Target is that I don't have a set schedule and it is always different hours! That really drives me nuts-o!! But it is only for 2 1/2 more months! Okay well I am hungry so I am going to go eat.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Happy Day After Christmas!

Little Jo!
Me and Jese at Grandma B.'s

Hello! Right now I am watching my favorite show, Cats 101!! It is all about cats! Today I had to get up at 5:30 because I worked at 7:00 AM!! I thought the roads might be bad so I left a little early but they weren't that bad and I got there way early! It wasn't very busy at work today but it went by fast so that was nice. Now I don't work until 3:30 on Tuesday, I also start working on the sales floor that day. After work I did a little shopping, I finally got a new purse so now I don't have to use a summer one! Once I got home Jese and I went to my favorite restaurant, El Tequila! After that we went to the grocery store for cereal and ended up getting way more than that! We just watched Angels and Demons, it was pretty good. Now Jese is off to work again. In the morning Neva and Terrance are coming down for a little bit and then we are going to Dad's for another family Christmas! It should be lots of fun! Okay well now that Jese is gone I am going to read!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

Liam and Josie inspecting Liam's present from Jese and I!
Pizza getting warm! Her and Kipper fight over this spot!

Merry Christmas everyone! Yesterday I went to Grandma and Grandpa W's by myself for Christmas Eve. Jese had to work yesterday night and last night so he didn't come. I had to shovel yesterday since he wasn't home :( I did leave half of the driveway for him to do though! I had lots of fun at Grandma's! We played BINGO and I did really good!! Today when Jese gets home we are going to open our presents. Then I think he will sleep for a couple of hours and then we will go to Grandma and Grandpa B's! Okay well everyone have a great Christmas and drive safe!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I am alive!

Hello! Sorry for the lack of updates! Yesterday I got up bright and early because I wanted to get my hair colored. Well my plans didn't work! I went to Fantastic Sam's and when I got there I found out they closed! Another salon was there but they didn't open until 10:00!! So I went to Great Clips and found out they don't do colors! So I got my hair trimmed since I was there. I don't like the way the girl liked cut my bangs :( At least they grow fast! I worked from 3:30-midnight. It was a long night. We practically had to kick customers out at midnight!! This morning I had to be at work at 10:00, boring! It was busy all day. I won a prize (a penguin lawn ornament) because I got a lady to get a Target credit card, I am so good! I got done with work at 6:30 so I had to battle the storm to get home! There wasn't much traffic but I did have someone in front of me the whole time so that was nice so I could follow them since I couldn't see the road! Okay well I am cold so I am going to snuggle under a blanket now!

Friday, December 18, 2009

It is almost Christmas!!

Hello! Don't worry this isn't another letter for Jese, he is in bed right now but I will see him tonight since I don't work today! Yesterday I realized that I haven't read The Lovely Bones so I bought it and now it has me thinking! If your husband/wife dies and you remarry, when you go to heaven which person will you be with? If you were with both it would be their hell because they wouldn't want to see you with another person, even if they are in heaven. I am finding this very confusing. Or what if you got a divorce and the other person never got over you and they wanted to be with you in heaven but you married someone else, then they couldn't be happy either! I know these aren't very pleasant thoughts but when you are reading a book about a girl in heaven watching over her family you can't help but think of these things. So I have come to the conclusion that Jese and I will just have to die together so we don't remarry and we can be together happily ever after, in the after life!
On another note, but sort of the same note! A guy at work yesterday asked me if I went to church and I said no, so then he asked me if I went when I was in school, so I said no again! I don't think he liked that very much. In my opinion religion should stay out of topics at the workplace unless you are friends with the person and you talk about that stuff anyways when you aren't at work. I hate it when people ask me personal questions like that and the judge me because of my answers. He also wanted to know what my GPA was when I was in school! I told him because I was being polite, but it isn't something I brag about since it wasn't that good so I wasn't happy when he asked me! Oh well, some people are just nosy! Okay I am going to go back to reading even though I should be cleaning!

Good Night Letter

Dear Jese,
Well it looks like I didn't see you today, so here is another letter abut my day! This morning I decided I didn't want to get out of my cozy bed so I decided to wait for you to get home so you could let Kipper out! As you saw, I did exactly that! Once you were nestled in bed I got up to start my day! I took a shower right away, then had some breakfast while watching Weeds. After that I decided to wash the dishes for once! Then of course I decided to read!! Around 1:30-2:00 I took a nap, until you got up to go potty and wake me up!! I pretended to be awake though so you wouldn't think I was lazy! At 3:30 it was time for me to get ready for work. Work tonight was boring again! I cashiered until 11:00, then I did zoning (I guess that is what it is called!) During my supper break some guy wouldn't stop talking to me and I was trying to read my book, jerk! So far it seems like everyone likes me. The women don't start up conversations with me though, so I just introduce myself to them and start talking to them! I figure if I have to work until 12:00 and then drive 40 minutes home I better have energy to do that, so talking is the way to go to keep energy! I am not excited to work on Saturday, it will be BUSY! Kipper was barking again today when I got home, I heard him when I went out to open the garage door. By the way, you shut of the motion light outside so I couldn't see where I was walking, jerk! Okay well I am tired so I am going to drag Kipper away from his bone and go to bed! Have a nice night at work, see you in the morning!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Good Night Husband!

Dear Jese,
Since I won't see you tonight and only for 10 minutes tomorrow I thought I would just write to you and tell you about my day! My drive up to work went very well. I left a little too early so I sat in my car for 10 minutes before I went into work. When I got there I started training myself to be a cashier along with two other new workers. After a little while I was asked if I was ready to cashier and so I said sure! Then for the rest of the night I cashiered! It was very easy and much nicer than when I worked at Farm & Home. When I worked there I had to type in all of the sku numbers, now I can just scan the UPC code, much easier! I got off work at the same time as one of the other new workers, he is from Alaska, so we walked out together so I didn't have to walk by myself! There was lots more traffic on my way home then there was on my way there! Since I forgot to get shampoo and conditioner after work I stopped at Coborn's to get some. I also got orange juice! The cashier couldn't believe that I would pay $6.00 just for shampoo, I told him it is less then what I used to pay! Then I told him not to stay too busy at work tonight (There was only one other customer there with me!) Once I got home I fought with both garage doors to close, I wish those would get fixed. I could hear Kipper barking the whole time I was fighting with the doors. By the way, our motion detector light is more like a light that stays on whenever it feels like it! It was on when I got home (I turned it on for me for when I got home) and then when I turned it on to put Kipper outside it turned off after 45 seconds with him out there, stupid thing! Once I let Kipper out I poured myself a glass of orange juice and now I am just sitting here writing this! I hope your night at work goes fast and well! Okay well it is late so I am going to go turn and a movie in our freezing cold bedroom and go to sleep with my animals!

No Lunch Lady Job for me!

This is a really old picture but I don't have any new ones!
Well I had the interview to be a lunch lady today! The job was just 2 1/2 hrs a day so that wouldn't be good enough, so Target it is for me! Last night I got done at 9:00, it was BORING!! There were five of us training in, for two hours we watched a video, it was super boring! I work tonight from 5-10. I somehow got Christmas Eve off, yea! Tomorrow night I have to stay up late and work until midnight, holy moly!! Today Jese is starting his 10 hour shifts. It is also his last night of class. So far he has an A in one class, I am sure he will get an A in the class he has tonight also. I am watching Animal Cops right now, some people are just so mean! I don't know why I watch this show, it always disgusts me! Oh, a poor kitty is stuck on a two story roof :( Speaking of animals, last night Pizza, Oreo, and Kipper all decided to sleep on my side of the bed! Pizza secretly likes Kipper and was laying on top of him and he didn't like that so I had to separate them. Oreo decided to lay right next to my head all night! Silly animals think the bed is for them and not me! Okay well that is all for now!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Lunch Lady!

Hello! Well tonight I am supposed to start working at Target :( Cassie isn't sure if I will start tonight though because my background check wasn't done yesterday. I will start by the end of the week though. I got a call today for an interview at the New Prague High School to be a lunch lady! I am going there tomorrow at 10:45 to interview, that would be a sweet job! I just applied to the job yesterday! This morning Jese and I got up early so we could go up to Kohl's to get me some red shirts and work pants. I hate wearing red shirts, they don't look good on me! Okay well I don't really know anything exciting today!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Only 2 weeks until Christmas!!

Kipper was so small and cute when we got him!
Today is going to be a lazy day! I slept awful last night because I kept waking up with a headache :( I still have it too. I think it is because I am stuffy. I don't really know much today. I am just watching Weeds right now. Okay well I guess since I don't know anything I will let you continue on with your day!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Rick and Jese doing plumbing work!
Well it has happened, my life is over, I got a seasonal job at Target today. Starting Tuesday I have to work :( Cassie is going to be my boss!!! Today I spent the whole day up in Eden Prarie getting hired. So this is my last weekend of freedom! Starting next week Jese is changing his hours at work. He is now going to work 4 10 hour shifts instead of 3 12 hour shifts. It will work out better because he has to be up there on Wednesdays anyways for his work meeting and school so now he will just go to work after that. He will now go in at 10:45 pm and be done at 8:15 am, so he will have more time to sleep during the day and more time to be awake at home! Okay well I don't know much!

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Poor Poor Kipper!

Poor Kipper can't go potty! He went outside and got stuck in the snow half way down the steps! Poor puppy! He was covered in snow! Our front door as snow going all the way on it! Good news! Last night Jese found where our Christmas Ghost of Alarms Past was hiding! We have a little weather station that Josie was playing with when she was here and she turn on the alarm! It sits right under the smoke alarm and so that is why we were confused and thought it was the smoke alarm! Last night it went off again and the smoke alarm didn't even have a battery in it, that is how Jese figured it out! Jese is going to call in to his work meeting and school today since we are in a blizzard warning until midnight! Yesterday I watched Juile & Julia and I loved it! It was a very good movie! Okay well I don't know anything else for today!

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Never ending laundry!!

Liam making cookies!
Pizza and Kipper actually getting along long enough to sit next to each other!!
Hello! All day yesterday I did the laundry and I am still not done! I got way behind on the laundry that is why there is so much! I still had to wash our blankets from deer hunting and Jese's hunting clothes! Not to mention all of the regular clothes, sheets, and towels that were dirty! I probably only have 4 loads left, yea! I also worked on my Christmas cards all day yesterday. After talking with Amy I discovered that she doesn't send them out to all of our cousins which I always do. So I decided to save a little money and not send them out to them either unless I get one from them! So I ended up making to many Christmas cards but that is okay because I am sure I will mail a few more out later. I still need to get stamps but they are all addressed and ready to go! I am so excited, I finally get to see Julie & Julia because we are getting it from Netflix today!! I am going to watch it as soon as it comes! Okay well that is all for now!
Oh yes, the snow just keeps coming down harder and harder, yea!!!

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Happy Birthday Josie, a few days early!!

Liam with Josie's cake
Yea Josie is 1!
Barbie cake I made super fast for Josie!

Hello today I was busy!! Since I was at Ben's wrestling meet yesterday I didn't get Josie's birthday cake made! So today I got up, did the dishes, took a shower, and went to the grocery store! Once I got back I got baking! I had a different plan for the cake but one part of the cake decided to be lame and not come out of the cake pan! Since it was such a thick cake it took FOREVER to back, I think it was almost in the oven for an hour! Then I had to wait for it to cool off before I could frost it! So during that time I colored 10 Christmas cards. I got the first coat of frosting on and had to wait another hour so that set up! At 2:30 Jese got up and helped me. He made the second batch of frosting to I could get the fondant colored and rolled out. My hands are now dyed pink!! I ended up getting the cake all done at 4:15, no time to spare! We had fun at the birthday party! It was nice to have tacos instead of sloppy joes :) Okay now we are watching Christmas Vacation so I must go, Jese has never seen it!!

Friday, December 04, 2009

"Fine I guess I will go be an adult now!" -Jese when he had to quit playing his video game

Jese was mean and made Pizza have reindeer antlers on today!
This morning Amy woke me up at 8:15 telling me to get up so she could come make cookies with me! So I forced myself to get out of bed because I had to do the dishes before she came. She ended up not getting here for a few hours though! Once she got here we went to the grocery store to get ingredients for cookies! We ate some lunch before we started the cookies. We ended up making snowball cookies, spritz cookies, and peanut butter blossom cookies! We have about 200 spritz cookies because Amy wanted to double the recipe!! That is okay though because you can eat lots of those because they are so small. I made some venison chops and cheesy veggies for supper, Jese got up just in time for it! After that Amy and the kids left. Now Jese is getting ready to go. Tomorrow I am going to watch Ben wrestle and make Josie's birthday cake! Have a nice night!

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

drip, drip!!

Hello! Well today Jese and Rick had to put on their plumbing hats!! That's right, we had a leak! It was just a very small, slow leak underneath our kitchen so not that big of a deal since Jese saw it right away! Since Rick was here teaching Jese how to do plumbing they also fixed the spouts going to the washer so now I don't have to turn them on and off everytime I use the washer!! They also leaked! So for now our house is leak free! While they did that I made thin mints, cleaned out my bow case, and started on my Christmas cards. So far I have stamped 10 cards, only 40 more to go!! I counted everyone I mail them out to and came up with 29, but then I realized I forgot to count Jese's family!! So I am just going to make 50, if that isn't enough then I guess a few people will get left out, I will make sure it is someone that doesn't send out cards anyways! Last year we probably got 10 cards!! Nobody sends them out anymore :( I think everyone is losing the Christmas spirit, jerks!! Yesterday Jese and I went to the pet store here just to check it out, they had hardly anything!! We did get Kipper a new toy though because he once again tore all of his apart!! Then we went to radio shack and got me a new phone charger since mine I had to fight with every night to get it to work!! It was very nice just plugging it in and having it work last night! After that we went to the grocery store and got kleenexes! Good thing we got them because today I got super stuffy again :( I am supposed to go make cookies tomorrow at Amy's house but if I am still stuffy tonight I probably won't because then I will just get her and the children sick who will then just get me sick AGAIN!! Okay well that is all for today!!

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!

Hello! I don't really know much today. I got Amy's cold so I haven't been up to much. On Sunday Jese and I put up all of our Christmas decorations!! Yesterday I felt awful so I just watched tv all day long! This morning I feel better, just a little stuffy. Good thing I am feeling better because I used my last Kleenex right when I got up!! Jese just got done working out. We are going to go to the store this afternoon to get me more Kleenexs! Okay I don't really know anything!
