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Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Post #800!!

Oreo got a little dirty playing outside!!
All of last years leaves are picked up!
Kipper looks sad because he wanted to play with a stick and not with me!
Pizza, Queen of the Leaves!!

Well I did it, I have made it to 800 post so far! A lot has changed since my first post, which was August 23, 2005. It was a very short post so I will put it up again to remind everyone what it was:

"Today I got up nice and early to go to school. I arrived at about 9:15 in the morning. I really did not feel like unpacking so mother did it all for me. When we were all done mother, father, rick, neva, jese, and i all went to a mexican restuarant. i did not like it very much i thought the enchiladas tasted like chow main so i did not eat all of mine. jese and i came back to his dorm and we talked to a few people on his floor. they all seemed pretty nice. tonight we have a floor meeting that i don't really feel like going to but i have to. but right now jese is on his way over here to go shopping.
Bye, Christa W"

Well I am no longer in school, no longer in Winona in fact!! Our parents probably wouldn't all be helping us move together anymore, and mother probably won't unpack anything for me anymore!! Since then Jese and I have both gotten our college diplomas, married, cats, a dog, and a house! Jese is still going to college, but this time it is graduate school. And I am spending my days as a housewife, nanny, and carny! I think I can say for the both of us that we are both in a happier time of our lives and are enjoying almost every moment!! 

Enough of the looking back, now lets look at what happened since I last posted!! Yesterday I babysat, it was pretty easy! Josie slept in until 10:00!!! Well actually she woke up at 6:45 so I got her up and changed her diaper and she was falling back to sleep while I did that so I laid her back down. When I got home I put away the clean dishes and then did nothing. Today I have already been up for an hour and I have taken a shower and everything! I haven't ate breakfast yet because last night as I was falling asleep Jese came home and told me he was going to make french toast. I plan on getting lunch made next so that way when it is lunch time I can just pop it in the oven! I hope it rains out all day, I miss the rain! Right now it is just sprinkling. Okay well I am going to go be sneaky and get socks without waking up Jese because I can't stand the feel of sock-less feet!

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