Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Yea, we are getting a dishwasher!!!

Star came for another visit!
Let us out!!

Yea, I am so happy!!! I found a portable dishwasher on craigslist last night and Jese called them and they are going to bring it to us tonight!! Yea, no more washing dishes!!! I am so happy, I hate washing dishes!! The only bad part is I washed our dirty dishes right before Jese called them and so I really wouldn't have had to. 
Today I got Amy to bring Liam and Josie here instead of me going down there. I didn't feel like driving down there so instead they are going to spend the night here! Liam is very excited about it!! Josie is sleeping right now. Liam and I just played some games and now he is playing on the computer and then I am going to make him lay down! Hopefully he takes a nap, if he doesn't I will just put in a movie for him upstairs. Okay well I don't really know anything else!

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