I finally put the up north pictures on my computer, plus the ones for Amy's Thanksgiving in June! Here they are:
The blueberry pie I pretended I made for Thanksgiving in June
Rick cutting up the turkey
Double rainbow after the storm
Ben's 20" Large mouth bass that Jese guided him to
Jese's big sunnies
Fishing on the pontoon
Grandma and Cassie
Jese with his 14" sunny
Dad cutting up the fish
Well there are all of the pictures!! I decided to just put them all on rather than spread them out into different days! Last night Jese didn't get home until 3:30 AM because something happened to a client at work so he had to sit at the hospital until 2:15 AM!!! He called me at 11:30 and left me a message saying he would be late but he didn't say what time, so when I woke up at 1:00 and he still wasn't home I started wondering where he was! So naturally I started sending him text messages and calling him until he answered me at 2:15!!! Then Liam woke up to go potty, and then I started to have a sneezing attack. Liam got up at 7:30 this morning. This was his best night here yet, he didn't get scared at all! Oh yeah I forgot to say why he was here. I went to Waseca yesterday morning to babysit for a few hours and then I was going to bring the kids to daycare, well the daycare lady called and said she was closed because her kid was sick. So Amy asked me to stay all day because she had to go back to work, so I did. Well then once she got to work they asked her to work another overnight!!! So then she called and asked if I would watch the kids again all day today. We decided it would be best if I brought them to my house because we never know when Adam is going to get home. So I took Mom's super sweet car because she has car seats and brought them home with me last night! When we got home we ate supper, then I gave them a bath, and put Josie to bed! Then I turned the computer on for Liam so I could watch my tv show. I put him to bed at 8:30 but of course he didn't got to sleep! After my show was over I took a shower and went upstairs to read in bed so Liam would go to sleep. That worked much better! I don't know what we will do today. Liam asked to make creepy crawlers yesterday so maybe when Jese wakes up he will do it with him! Okay that's all!
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