Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Yeah, it is cooler out...well for today anyways!!

Oreo watching out the window
Pizza holding up the wall! (Yes I do realize the picture is sideways, I didn't feel like fixing it!)

Hello! I am so happy it is cooler today, yesterday was awful!! Despite the heat I decided to rearrange the study. It is pretty much the only room in the house I can rearrange so that is why I picked that room. I was drenched in sweat afterwards. I made goulash for supper after I did that. While it was cooking I took a shower and felt way better once all the sweat was off of me! My supper was good, it sure did make a lot for one person though!! I have been drinking so much water it is ridiculous how often I have to pee!! I told Jese that pretty soon we are going to have to move the bedroom downstairs because I have to get up twice every night!! At least I am not sucking down pop and juice anymore! I finally got myself weaned off of both of them.
Kipper is still doing really good with his invisible fence. He hasn't been shocked since the first day. Now he loves to sit out on the chairs on the porch and bathe in the sun. He is so cute!!
Jese has been getting green bell peppers and cherry tomatoes out of the garden this week. We had to tie our tomatoes up because they are all sitting on top of each other so the bottoms of them are rotting. We haven't gotten any big tomatoes yet because of that. Our cucumbers are doing very nicely though! Jese is still getting enough lettuce for his salads every day so it is okay that just a few of the seeds actually grew.
Okay well that is it for today!


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