Thursday, August 31, 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Another day bites the dust!
Hello again! Well I am about to start my last class of the day. I am pumped, and hour and a half of listening to a russian! Anyways, today my classes went pretty good. So far I only have homework in one class compared to having homework in all classes like monday! I am looking forword to my four day weekend! I am going to go up north with Jese to do some bear hunting, I hope I get one right away, or just get one! We are coming back on monday because he has class on tuesday but i don't so i will just do all of my homework then instead of doing it up north which i probably wouldn't do anyways! well my class starts in 4 minutes and i have to find all the stuff in need for it on my computer now so bye!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Hello! Well I got up this morning and I started to do homework at 10:00 and now it is 3:07 and I finally finished!! Yesterday I started classes, I think they will all be pretty good! I'm not sure how well I will do in ASL, yesterday we practiced our ABC's!! I think I am going to switch to a special ed. major so I can have easy classes!!! Anyways I didn't having any classes today so I took a page out of amy's book and didn't take a shower and I still have my p.j. pants on! I don't think I studied as much as her though! I have a russian for a teacher (no dad, i still don't know what he's rushin for!) It is kind of hard to understand him because I have never really heard a person with a russian accent before. I also have a chinese prof. but I can understand him easily, although he does have a pretty thick accent. Well I have to pee now so bye!!
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Last Day of Freedom
Hello! Today is my last day of freedom :( I start classes tomorrow, I am excited to see what they are like though! Yesterday sister amy and mother came to visit me and Jese. I made them chicken fijtas, they were very good! I took them to the park so they could watch Pizza try to get into the water, it was funny! Today Neva and Terrance are coming over from Wis. because they were visiting Neva's sister so we are going to the boathouse with them! Jese helped the neighbor take out a couch today because they are moving to rochester in a few days. This morning someone lit off a firework at like 6:00 and then for the next hour there was a banging (jese said it sounded like a bad gun) and it was really annoying, town sucks!! Oh well, that is all I know for now!
Friday, August 25, 2006
Hello everybody! I really don't know anything today but I thought I would update this anyways! It rained out really bad yesterday but as far as I can tell we didn't get any damage like everyone back at home did. Yesterday Jese made some spagettii, it was very good but he didn't cook the noodles all the way, opps! Tomorrow sister amy and mother are coming here to visit and I am making them lunch, that should be fun! Jese found out that he got a job at wal mart, he doesn't start for a week or two yet but that's okay. He is getting paid $7.45 and in 90 days he gets a .40 to .50 cent raise so that will be sweet! I think that is pretty good pay for wal mart! Right now he is taking a drug test, hope it comes back negative, not sure if it will though, we did go to a sweet party last night! (just kidding) Well I really don't know anything so that is all!
oh yes, i dyed my hair darker this morning!!
oh yes, i dyed my hair darker this morning!!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Just Call me Racheal Ray!
Hello! Well you can basically just start calling me racheal ray because I have become an expert cooker! Last night I made my first ever racheal ray meal. It was called 4 cheese pasta, it was yum-0! It made a ton though so I froze some for later and there are some leftovers in the fridge for tonight! Today I baked cookies. I put a few too many chocolate chips in it though, opps! This morning I checked my email and found out that I couldn't take one of my classes, I was not a happy kamper because there are no other classes to sign up for right now. I tried to get into the marketing class I have to take but the prof. said it was already full so I am taking ASL I to get my GPA up! Well I am going to go watch a league of their own now so bye!
Christa W.
Christa W.
Monday, August 21, 2006
"Act as if it were impossible to fail." -Dorothea Brande
Hello! Well we finally have internet!! My wireless isn't working but that is okay. Jese and I went to the bookstore today and bought our books. Mine cost $343 and one of my teachers hasn't ordered any books yet so I don't know if I will have to get one for his class. Last night Jese and I watched The Wizard of Oz after he got back from fishing, he got one bass, it was like 8" hehe!! The Wizard of Oz was pretty good!! I haven't watched it in a long time. Jese talked to one of our neighbors today, he was old and has a family here, he doesn't like winona or the apartments, he is from bulgaria, his name is Caman. Right now we are watching Find me Guilty with Vin Diesel in it, it is pretty good. Yesterday we took Pizza for a walk the park, she liked it but she rode on my shoulder, she wouldn't walk with us! Well that is about all I know for now! I'll post pictures later!
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Hello everyone! Jese and I made it to winona okay! Amy and Father helped me move in on Friday. The outside of the place is falling apart and it looks like we are in the ghetto (like amy said) because there are alot of blacks and some asians, but there are white people too! Yesterday I got everything unpacked, it was a mess, I got up at 7:30 because I woke up and couldn't stand not putting stuff away! I worked all the way through breakfest and lunch, opps, but I did take an ice cream bar break! I made chicken alfrado for supper it was yummy! Pizza loves it here! She likes to sleep in the window, and she has one tried to get on the table three times, but we sprayed her with water so she learns not to! Our internet is not hooked up yet so I am on campus right now but when we do have it I will put pictures up of our apartment! Okay that is all I know for now!
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Hello Hello!!
Hello!! Well this is the last time I will be updating for awhile! Tomorrow I am going up north with amy, jese, dad, and grandpa w. so we can throw some bear bait out! We are staying up there until monday, except for jese because it is his birthday on friday and he has to come home for a birthday party with his grandma. I have 4 1/2 days of work left! I am done on friday at noon next week and then I am moving to winona, jese is moving on thursday because he has to get a new computer. he is going to apply for jobs then and figure out our internet and t.v. so i can continue to update this while I am not in class and so i can watch my t.v. shows! that is his job because it involves talking on the phone and i don't like to call people. i start school on the 28th, i am ready for it to start, but i am sure after a week i will be ready for summer again! well that is about all i know! oh yes Pizza got declawed on monday, i am so happy no more claws in my foot!!
Christa Ann Wadekamper
Christa Ann Wadekamper
Thursday, August 03, 2006
It's not the hours you put in, it's what you put into the hours

My car was at 01234, I took a picture, cool huh!!
Hello! Sorry I haven't wrote in awhile! Well not much has happened lately. I drove a skidloader the other day at work, I decided that if I fail out of college I will become a skidload driver for the state, they make like $40 an hour. On Tuesday Jese and I drove to Winona to pay our rent and check out our apartment. It has a green stove!! I am ready to go back now that I was just there, only 9 days left of work!! Yesterday I went to body world at the science museum with my mother, amy, and cassie, it was pretty cool. I thought the people didn't really look real though, they looked like plastic to me. On Friday next week I am going up north one last time before school starts! I am ready to go now! Right now I am home alone because father went up north today, which means he doesn't have to work tomorrow, jerk! Well that's about all I know for now!
REPMAKEDAW NNA ATSIRHC, wow that was hard!
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