Hello everybody! I really don't know anything today but I thought I would update this anyways! It rained out really bad yesterday but as far as I can tell we didn't get any damage like everyone back at home did. Yesterday Jese made some spagettii, it was very good but he didn't cook the noodles all the way, opps! Tomorrow sister amy and mother are coming here to visit and I am making them lunch, that should be fun! Jese found out that he got a job at wal mart, he doesn't start for a week or two yet but that's okay. He is getting paid $7.45 and in 90 days he gets a .40 to .50 cent raise so that will be sweet! I think that is pretty good pay for wal mart! Right now he is taking a drug test, hope it comes back negative, not sure if it will though, we did go to a sweet party last night! (just kidding) Well I really don't know anything so that is all!
oh yes, i dyed my hair darker this morning!!
dork, you want it to be negative, if it is positive that means he has drugs in his system, geez don't you know anything:)
duh dork, it looks like you screwed up the joke:)
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