Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Hello! Well I got up this morning and I started to do homework at 10:00 and now it is 3:07 and I finally finished!! Yesterday I started classes, I think they will all be pretty good! I'm not sure how well I will do in ASL, yesterday we practiced our ABC's!! I think I am going to switch to a special ed. major so I can have easy classes!!! Anyways I didn't having any classes today so I took a page out of amy's book and didn't take a shower and I still have my p.j. pants on! I don't think I studied as much as her though! I have a russian for a teacher (no dad, i still don't know what he's rushin for!) It is kind of hard to understand him because I have never really heard a person with a russian accent before. I also have a chinese prof. but I can understand him easily, although he does have a pretty thick accent. Well I have to pee now so bye!!


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