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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Just Call me Racheal Ray!

Hello! Well you can basically just start calling me racheal ray because I have become an expert cooker! Last night I made my first ever racheal ray meal. It was called 4 cheese pasta, it was yum-0! It made a ton though so I froze some for later and there are some leftovers in the fridge for tonight! Today I baked cookies. I put a few too many chocolate chips in it though, opps! This morning I checked my email and found out that I couldn't take one of my classes, I was not a happy kamper because there are no other classes to sign up for right now. I tried to get into the marketing class I have to take but the prof. said it was already full so I am taking ASL I to get my GPA up! Well I am going to go watch a league of their own now so bye!

Christa W.


Jamie said...

I am going to attempt to make Ziti tonight, must be rainy weather pasta time of year!
Forever in love with Rachael,

Anonymous said...

Next time I'm in Winona I'll look you up.
