Study, Study, Study!!
Studying is all my life has consisted of these last few days! I even studied on Friday! I don't know what has gotten into me! On Saturday I got up at 8:45 and I took a shower and cleaned the apartment until 1:30. It wouldn't have taken so long but since I had been studying all week long the dishes never got done so it took me an hour just to wash them. After I got done cleaning I studied until 3:30. That is when Rick and Avis got here. I made them 4 cheese pasta shells, they were yum-o as always! After they left Jese and I studied some more, it was a very exciting weekend I just can't describe it to you! Yesterday I studied all day long again. At like 4:00 Jese and I make valentines day cookies and then we made a rachael ray meal together, it was sooooo romatic :) just kidding! Jese had to run to wal mart in the middle of making the french bread pizza things because we didn't have any mozzerla cheese, opps! They turned out very good though! Jese had mushrooms and peppers in his, yuck! They both had italin sausage, pepporni, onions, ricotta cheese, parmisan cheese, mozz. cheese, orageno, and red pepper flakes! Now you can make them because you know everything that was in them! Today I had a test in Biology, it went okay. I was supposed to have a test in business law today but now it is on wednesday, I was not very happy about this because I was all ready for it and now we didn't have it. I spent a lot of time this weekend studying for it, jerk! I found out that I got 94/100 on my intermidate macroecon assignment! Yeah for me! Now I have 90% in that class, although we have only had 1 quiz and the assignment but I don't care because I have 90% in it! I need 85% for an A, I am going to try extra hard to get it because I have to get my grades up so I can be better then Mr. Deans List Jese!!! I have a lot of work to do if I want to bet him though!! Well here are some pictures of the yummy food we made yesterday! The cookies I took a picture of are the ones I frosted, I thought you would like to see good ones!!

that's so cute that your trying to be like your big sister and study for your classes:)
yes I know, I like to be like Cassie! She has taught me well on how to study, after all she is my favorite sister!!!
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