Hello! Well last night when we went to bed the snow was just getting started! When I looked out the back window we could only see the building next to us and nothing else because it was snowing so much! So this morning when Jese got up to work this is how he found his car! A snowplow must have came through right away in the morning and now nobody can get out! We tried to get my car out because it wasn't buried from the snowplow but it was still to high. I went out to stop Jese from trying and I tried once but as soon as went in the car I knew that it wasn't going to happen because the snow was so deep that the exhaust was coming back in to the car, not a good thing! So I told Jese to call into work and let them know he wasn't going there, they said that they have had over 30 people call in already, haha, suckers!! Since Jese woke me up because of his snow problems I decided I wanted to go walk in the snow to see how deep it was! Since I don't have any snow boots here I put on my hooker boots and tucked my pants into them! That worked good untill the snow went above me knees and I fell down, then I got wet! Now my legs are frozen and I am laying in bed trying to warm up! Jese put plastic bags over his shoes to keep them dry but one of the bags broke so we had to go back in because he didn't want to get his foot all wet, even though it did get wet anyways!!!! Well that is all I know right now because it isn't even 10 AM yet so I haven't learned to much else!! Bye
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