This is where I want to be...
and I wish the weather was this nice! Well not much has really happend! I found out that I got 74% on my Enviornment test and I was happy with that because the class average was 64%, losers! I guess all of my classmates aren't very smart this semster because that is what all of the averages have been in all of my classes! It has been so nice out, I hope it doesn't get cold out again, but it is minnesota so most likely it will, stupid minnesota! I turned down our heat to 60 degrees and it hasn't turned on since I turned it down and that was like 2 days ago, that is good because that means a lower electricity bill!!!! I have no clothes for this weather! They are all sweaters or sweatshirts, but I have no money for clothes either so I will suffer, I am good at that!!! My kittens are playing tag right now! Yesterday Pizza was soooooo annoying, Jese and I were both trying to study (in seperate rooms because he drives me nuts when I am studing!) and she wouldn' t stop causing trouble, jerk. She was being very bad. Yesterday I rearranged the bedroom, it looks much better now, and bigger! I am so good! Jese is leaving to go to work now, he tried to leave without unlocking the door, it didn't work very well! I have class at 3:30, I don't want to go, but I will. I think it is the weather, I didn't want to go to any of my classes! Well maybe it isn't the weather, I never want to go to my classes! I am glad that being an accountant is an easy job because then I won't have to do too much, we all know I don't like to challange myself!! just kidding! I have another quiz in intermediate macroecon on friday, and then a midterm in it next friday. I have to write a paper on some economical problem that is going on right now, any ideas? The paper isn't due untill the week before classes are over. Next week is our last week of classes untill spring break!!!! I am very excited! I want to eat cookies but we don't have any made and I don't feel like making any right now, oh well, I guess I will just have to suffer some more!!! I washed the dished today and I got my shirt wet and now it is cold, I don't like it very much. Okay well I don't really know anything, as you can probably tell, so have a nice day!!! Oh yes, back to the weather, it is 50 degrees out!!!!!!!!!
you need to change your backround,it hurts my eyes to read it:)
good, that was the plan!!!
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