Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, November 29, 2007

New Hair!!!

Hello!!! My hair is finally long!!!!! I started driving at 8:30 this morning to get done!! The drive was 1 1/2 hours!! Then I had to sit through the boring class, it was BORING!! Then we went out to eat and our boss paid for us, sweet dude!! Then starting at about 12:30 we finally started my hair! They got done in about 2 1/2 hours. Now my head feels weird!! Well I'm hungry now so I 'm going to eat some mashed potatoes!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I can see the light!!!

Hello Hello!! Well after this class today I only have 2 more days off classes!! The I have a few days of finals then I get MARRIED!! Sweet dude!! Then even better it is CHRISTMAS!!!! Woohoo!!! I am so excited I love winter it is the BEST time of the year!! Today I registered for my classes but I couldn't register for one because you can only register for 16 credits at first so some classes stay open for the icky freshman!! So once I can register for more I will have my first semester of 18 credits!! This time I won't have to start until 9:30 instead of 8!! M W F I have classes from 10-12 and on W I have a class at 3-6. On T TH I have class from 9:30-2, boring!!! At least it is a little bit later then this semester! My presentation went okay today my test didn't go so well but it looks like only 5% of the class got more than 50% so I don't feel so bad!! I didn't get my homework done yet that is due on thursday, Jese is going to bring it in to my profesors for me, he is soooo nice! So tonight I have to do Computer Accounting homework so Jese can bring that in for me tomorrow. I have to work tomorrow because I won't be on thrusday :( I also have to finish my paper and Stats homework, which wasn't working on the computer program before but I figured out the problem and fixed it!! I am STARVING!!! After my class I am getting my hair colored because on Thursday I am getting EXTENSIONS!!! Woohoo!!! That will be sweet except for it will take me WAY longer to fix my hair :( Well I guess I better take some notes now, later gators
Only 18 days!!!

Monday, November 26, 2007

The end of semesters suck balls!!

Jese saw the moon like this the other night when he was taking out the garbage, the ring was really around it, I had to lay down in the parking lot to get the whole thing in the picture!!
Oreo died in my arms!!!
Well I got my Rachael Ray presentation pretty much done, there are just a few more things I have to put on it! Right now I am writing my finance paper, then I have to do some computer accounting homework, stats, and study for my accounting test!! I work at 2:30 also :( On Saturday and Sunday it was really dead at work, I got sent home early both days. Jese got a promotion at work!! He got a $0.70 raise too!! Now he is up to $9.35! Sweet dude! On Thursday I am getting my hair put in, and tomorrow I am getting it colored again so it matches the extensions!! I am super excited! The extensions are 20", the other length you can get is 18", I went with the longer though!! I only have 3 more days left of classes then finals then my wedding!! How exciting, to bad I have stupid finals the week of the wedding! Well one of the finals is next week, that is in stats hopefully I pass it so I don't have to take it again! I have to register tomorrow but I don't have my registration code yet so hopefully my advisor sends it to me today!! Well I guess I better get back to writing my paper!!
Lator Gators!

Friday, November 23, 2007


Hello everyone!! I need help, for my computer accounting class he wants us to do a presentation on anything we want, I picked rachael ray because there is tons of info out there on her! Anyways my problem is I need a video to put on the power point, in order to get this I need to save one from the internet onto my computer and I can't find one that will save the video not the website onto my computer. If anyone knows of one that I could use or any suggestions on how to get it to work PLEASE help me, I have to give my presentation on tuesday!!

Our thanksgiving day meal!!

Hello!! Here is our delish thanksgiving meal!! I made turkey, stuffing, and mashed potatoes!! When I picked up the turkey to cut it a wing fell off and Jese ate it, that is why there is only 1 wing in the picture! I watched Martha Stewert cut up a turkey so I knew how to do mine!! All of the food was very very good! Jese had to work yesterday from 6-2, well really he volunteered to work so he could get holiday pay! I watched the Macy's Day Parade from 9-12!!! Then I put up the christmas houses. At 2 when Jese came home I popped the turkey into the oven! Then we put up all of the christmas decorations, we don't have very many! Then we started our laundry, we did 8 loads!!! And I still have 3 sets of sheets to wash!! Well 2 of them I just bought today so they weren't here yesterday! We watched Hairspray last night, it was very good! At 9:30 we put in Rodoulph but we both fell asleep right away!! opps! We got up at 5:30 this morning to go shopping!! We didn't get to many things, Walmart wasn't packed at all but when we went to Target you couldn't even move by the electronics and they didn't even have anything good besides flannal sheets on sale!! I did get a weather thing to tell me the temp inside and outside for $10, it is pink! Oh yeah my best buy was a 2 GB memory card for my camera for $12!! That was a super good deal, right now I have a 512 MB that cost me $24!! (MB are smaller than GB!!) Well I guess I better start doing homework since I work all weekend so I won't have time to do it then!!
Merry Christmas,

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Hi! This weekend was a super busy one. On Friday I went to the eye docter, and the docter before I lost my insurance! Papa took me and Amy out to eat at El Tequila, yummy!! It was super good! On Saturday I had my shower, I got lots of good stuff and I'm not giving any of it to amy!! After the shower Jese came over to Amy's and then we had the Becker Thanksgiving, the food was delish! On Sunday Jese and I had to go to church so we could meet with the pastor again. Then we went back to Amy's and ate some waffles made in our new waffle maker! Then jese and I drove back home! I wrote out almost all of my thank yous but I ran out of cards and I have no stamps to mail them so I am going to get some today! Yesterday I forgot to do homework because I was putting all of our gifts away, so I ended up doing it at 10 at night, boring!! Now I am watching the Today show and Tyra because 2 of my classes were cancelled so I don't have another class until 12:30, sweet dude!! Today Jese and I are going to La Crosse to pick up wedding things then we are going to go grocery shopping. Well that is all I know for now, bye!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Stupid Car...

Hi! Well this morning my first class was cancelled so I got to sleep in until 7:30!! Sweet dude! So my first class started at 9:30 so at 9:05 I went out to my car to go to school and first thing that went wrong was I backed my car in yesterday and I forgot to spin the stearing wheel back to straight so then the key wouldn't turn. After I finally got that fixed I turned the key and oh yes my car wouldn't start. It would go rrrrrr.....rrrrr but not start, stupid thing. Then it finally did and it sounded like it was going to shut right off so I hit the gas to get it going, then it finally was ready to drive! So I made it to school on time and got the second to last parking spot! Then I turned in some homework to my teacher for the class that was cancelled and went to my 9:30 class. It got done early that is why I am updating my blog right now! Jese is at a lecture class thing for his internship all day he got there at 8:45 and it gets done at 4!! Tonight after work I am driving to Faribault, hopefully it is dead at work so I can leave early, I hate driving at night, but I hate my car more, I wish we could afford a newer one but we can't so I guess I will suffer for a few more years! Well I guess I don't know anything else so bye!!


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What Jacket should I wear, winter or fall??

Hello!! Well this is definatly not the right weather!! This morning when I left for school it was 28 degrees and by the time I get home it should be 60!! Now how am I supposed to know which coat to wear!! I picked the winter one because I was cold! I am so happy to have today and tomorrow off of work!! Then I work on Thursday and then I have the next 3 days off!!!! On thursday after work I am going to go to Faribo! On Friday Jese will be coming after his classes. On Saturday I have my shower and then we are going to have the Becker Thanksgiving at Amy's house, I have to bring punch, Amy I need the recipe that you used last year so I can get the stuff for it! I am cold right now so I am still wearing my coat! In my class we are just going over a test, I got 92/100 on it, we already went over the 2 things I did wrong on it! Computer Accounting class is the easiest class ever! Basically I am a computer genius!! On Thursday I don't have this class so I can sleep in, yeepee!! Well what else do I know....there are only 32 days left until the wedding!! I had a dream about it again last night, we forgot my shoes so I had to wear my white hooker boots, sweet dude I think I am going to do that anyways!! That would be sweet! I am so excited to get my hair done!! That is on the 29th I have to skip all of my classes plus work but that is okay because I have already talked to all of my teachers! In Finance I have a paper due so I have to hand it in early :( This weekend at work it wasn't very busy. On Sunday I went home 45 minutes early, they said I could go home way earlier but I didn't!! Yesterday I could have gone home around 5 but I stayed until 7! Then I went home and made mac'n'cheese'n'burgers! That is a recipe out of my new Rachael Ray cookbook, it was basically momma's homemade mac'n'cheese with an addition of hamburger, it didn't have enough cheese in it though and she doesn't bake it to thicken it up but I did anyways because that is the way momma does it! This class is boring basically we don't do anything in class, everything we do is homework then we turn it in at the beginning of the class, but that is okay because it is really the only class I am doing good in, I have 89% and that is just because I didn't do good on the first test, it wasn't computer stuff, it was accounting stuff! So by the end of the semester hopefully I will get it up to an A, that would be sweet! Oh yeah, I finally passed an accounting test in my other accounting class!! I got 86% plus the homework which brought it up to 89%! On the last one I got 50% so I improved greatly!! I had that test like 2 weeks ago and just got it back last thursday but I forgot to write about it!! Well I guess I don't know anything else! Oh yeah Jerk Jese had some classes canceled today so he gets done at 12:30 instead of 5, my classes never get cancelled!! Well bye!
Christa Wadekamper

Friday, November 09, 2007

Tip of the Day:

Don't lock your keys in your car while it's running!!
That is what Jese did this morning when he was scraping his windows. We tried for an hour to get it unlocked but finally gave up and called a Key guy so that cost us $40 so today Jese is going to go sell some of his dance pads from DDR that he doesn't use and some video games he doesn't play anymore to make up for his stupidity!! I tell him all the time to make a copy of his key but he never does, we'll see if he does today while he is at work!!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Deer Hunt 2007

Friday November 2, 2007

Well we made it!! We got to the cabin around 1:30 on Thursday night without getting lost a single time!! Woohoo!! Once we got up here we chatted with everyone for about an hour then went to bed! Today we got up around 9:00 and laid around for about an hour then Jese, Dad, and I went out to my stand to make sure it was ready for me! It is just like it used to be before it was torn down! After that we went back the cabin and picked up Cassie, Amy, and Liam and we went out to Jese, Dad, Nick, and Adam’s stands. Hopefully Jese doesn’t get lost tomorrow, he has to go out all by himself, so do I but I know the way out! Liam loved the ride on the 4-wheeler!! Papa carried him in the woods the whole time!! When we got to stands we put Liam on the ground and took pictures of him! Once we finished doing the stands we went back to the cabin and ate some sandwiches, yummy!! Jese and I had to go to the store to get our license because we didn’t get them yet! We spent $67!!! We also got some flashlights and headphones! When we got back the cabin we ate some steak and potatoes, it was yummy! Then we packed up our bags for tomorrow and now some people are playing cards. Amy, Cassie, and Liam already left to go back to the resort because that is where they are staying. Well that is it for tonight!!

Saturday November 3, 2007

Today we all got up nice and early to out on the deer stands! I went to sleep almost right away, opps!! I only saw one deer the whole day and couldn’t get a shot at it :( I didn’t see very many birds and only one squirrel! I did see a mouse all day long though; it made me think of my little Brownie whom is no longer with us. Poor, poor Brownie! Jese didn’t see any deer!! Papa got a very nice 10 pointer; I didn’t get a picture of it though. He also saw a wolf!! I think there were 9 or 10 deer killed today and most of them were big bucks.

Sunday November 4, 2007

Today I went out to my stand and didn’t see anything in the morning and Papa was seeing a bunch at his stand so he came and picked me up at 11:00 and brought me to his stand so I could get a deer! Around 1 or 2 I saw a nice doe and a huge buck but couldn’t get a shot at either one of them I wasn’t very happy :( I heard them getting friendly in the distance, or at least the leaves got really load where they went!! About 30-40 minutes later I saw one of them again and then it disappeared then around 3:15 I saw the doe about 100+ yards away and so I thought I am not waiting for that stupid buck I don’t have time to!! So as soon as I could get a shot I killed her on the spot, and then I saw the buck again! I couldn’t get a shot at him though he was even further back and kept running off and coming back to find the doe, he wasn’t very happy with me!! I eventually ran off when Adam came because he heard me shoot! We went down the deer and Adam gutted it and dragged it out for me because he is such a nice brother-in-law!! While he was dragging it out I got a message that Jese got a doe and scared a buck too!!! We were all very excited for him; it was his first deer since his first one 8 years ago!! When we got back to camp there was no super left and I was STARVING but we left around 8:00 and stopped at the Max store for some chips because there oven wasn’t working so they didn’t have any pizza or anything to eat! It was snowing/raining out until Floodwood which is where I pulled over for Jese to wake up and drive because I don’t like driving at night! We got home around 1:30 so we made very good time! Then Jese took and shower and we went straight to bed so Jese could get up on Monday for school, haha sucker!!!

As of today there are like 15+ deer killed sweet dude!!

I am waiting for my class to start and I am starving!! I am going tanning after class so I can be a bronze beauty!! Tata!


Thursday, November 01, 2007

Deer Time!!

Hello!!! Well last night I got home around 7:00 and I did some homework then at 8:00 I watched private practice while putting stamps on the invites and I finished those up. At 9 I studied for a test that I have today and then at 10:00 I managed to finally make the sugar cookies Amy forcedme to make. I couldn't find my recipe for them though so I had to use one out of a recipe book, they are still good though. I got done making those and cleaning up at 11:30 then I watched the last 15 minutes of Hope Floats and went to bed. Except for I forgot to shut the window before I went to bed so I ended up sleeping with a sweatshirt on and the fan off because it was so cold!! This morning I froze when I got up! I got up extra early so I could take a shower and study for my test but I ended up not studing because I didn't feel like it! I wish I didn't have to work today :( Last night I stopped on my way home to see the stylist costumes and the jerks got to close at 7:00 because it was so slow because everyone was trick-or-treating, now today it will be super busy and I will probably be stuck there until 8:30, jerks! Well I am cold and I don't know anything else!
