Thursday, November 29, 2007
New Hair!!!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
I can see the light!!!
Monday, November 26, 2007
The end of semesters suck balls!!
Friday, November 23, 2007
Our thanksgiving day meal!!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Stupid Car...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
What Jacket should I wear, winter or fall??
Friday, November 09, 2007
Tip of the Day:
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Deer Hunt 2007
Well we made it!! We got to the cabin around 1:30 on Thursday night without getting lost a single time!! Woohoo!! Once we got up here we chatted with everyone for about an hour then went to bed! Today we got up around 9:00 and laid around for about an hour then Jese, Dad, and I went out to my stand to make sure it was ready for me! It is just like it used to be before it was torn down! After that we went back the cabin and picked up Cassie, Amy, and Liam and we went out to Jese, Dad, Nick, and Adam’s stands. Hopefully Jese doesn’t get lost tomorrow, he has to go out all by himself, so do I but I know the way out! Liam loved the ride on the 4-wheeler!! Papa carried him in the woods the whole time!! When we got to stands we put Liam on the ground and took pictures of him! Once we finished doing the stands we went back to the cabin and ate some sandwiches, yummy!! Jese and I had to go to the store to get our license because we didn’t get them yet! We spent $67!!! We also got some flashlights and headphones! When we got back the cabin we ate some steak and potatoes, it was yummy! Then we packed up our bags for tomorrow and now some people are playing cards. Amy, Cassie, and Liam already left to go back to the resort because that is where they are staying. Well that is it for tonight!!

Saturday November 3, 2007
Today we all got up nice and early to out on the deer stands! I went to sleep almost right away, opps!! I only saw one deer the whole day and couldn’t get a shot at it :( I didn’t see very many birds and only one squirrel! I did see a mouse all day long though; it made me think of my little Brownie whom is no longer with us. Poor, poor Brownie! Jese didn’t see any deer!! Papa got a very nice 10 pointer; I didn’t get a picture of it though. He also saw a wolf!! I think there were 9 or 10 deer killed today and most of them were big bucks.

Sunday November 4, 2007
Today I went out to my stand and didn’t see anything in the morning and Papa was seeing a bunch at his stand so he came and picked me up at 11:00 and brought me to his stand so I could get a deer! Around 1 or 2 I saw a nice doe and a huge buck but couldn’t get a shot at either one of them I wasn’t very happy :( I heard them getting friendly in the distance, or at least the leaves got really load where they went!! About 30-40 minutes later I saw one of them again and then it disappeared then around 3:15 I saw the doe about 100+ yards away and so I thought I am not waiting for that stupid buck I don’t have time to!! So as soon as I could get a shot I killed her on the spot, and then I saw the buck again! I couldn’t get a shot at him though he was even further back and kept running off and coming back to find the doe, he wasn’t very happy with me!! I eventually ran off when Adam came because he heard me shoot! We went down the deer and Adam gutted it and dragged it out for me because he is such a nice brother-in-law!! While he was dragging it out I got a message that Jese got a doe and scared a buck too!!! We were all very excited for him; it was his first deer since his first one 8 years ago!! When we got back to camp there was no super left and I was STARVING but we left around 8:00 and stopped at the Max store for some chips because there oven wasn’t working so they didn’t have any pizza or anything to eat! It was snowing/raining out until Floodwood which is where I pulled over for Jese to wake up and drive because I don’t like driving at night! We got home around 1:30 so we made very good time! Then Jese took and shower and we went straight to bed so Jese could get up on Monday for school, haha sucker!!!

As of today there are like 15+ deer killed sweet dude!!
I am waiting for my class to start and I am starving!! I am going tanning after class so I can be a bronze beauty!! Tata!
Monday, November 05, 2007
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Deer Time!!