Hi! Well this morning my first class was cancelled so I got to sleep in until 7:30!! Sweet dude! So my first class started at 9:30 so at 9:05 I went out to my car to go to school and first thing that went wrong was I backed my car in yesterday and I forgot to spin the stearing wheel back to straight so then the key wouldn't turn. After I finally got that fixed I turned the key and oh yes my car wouldn't start. It would go rrrrrr.....rrrrr but not start, stupid thing. Then it finally did and it sounded like it was going to shut right off so I hit the gas to get it going, then it finally was ready to drive! So I made it to school on time and got the second to last parking spot! Then I turned in some homework to my teacher for the class that was cancelled and went to my 9:30 class. It got done early that is why I am updating my blog right now! Jese is at a lecture class thing for his internship all day he got there at 8:45 and it gets done at 4!! Tonight after work I am driving to Faribault, hopefully it is dead at work so I can leave early, I hate driving at night, but I hate my car more, I wish we could afford a newer one but we can't so I guess I will suffer for a few more years! Well I guess I don't know anything else so bye!!
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