New Hair!!!
Hello!!! My hair is finally long!!!!! I started driving at 8:30 this morning to get done!! The drive was 1 1/2 hours!! Then I had to sit through the boring class, it was BORING!! Then we went out to eat and our boss paid for us, sweet dude!! Then starting at about 12:30 we finally started my hair! They got done in about 2 1/2 hours. Now my head feels weird!! Well I'm hungry now so I 'm going to eat some mashed potatoes!!
i'm sooooo jelous :( your hair looks really good!!!! see you on saturday...and oh said i was buying you clothes...she made that up in her head! :)
Your hair is now longer then Amy's.....poor poor Amy. It looks good. And I did not make it up in my head! Cassie did say she was taking you shopping. Now she is trying to get out of it!!!!
See ya Sat.
Love mom
yes, it may be a little (very little) longer than mine....but at least i didn't have to pay for mine:) hahaha!!!! it looks fabulous:) to bad cassie is the only one with short hair now:)
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