Hello!! Well this is definatly not the right weather!! This morning when I left for school it was 28 degrees and by the time I get home it should be 60!! Now how am I supposed to know which coat to wear!! I picked the winter one because I was cold! I am so happy to have today and tomorrow off of work!! Then I work on Thursday and then I have the next 3 days off!!!! On thursday after work I am going to go to Faribo! On Friday Jese will be coming after his classes. On Saturday I have my shower and then we are going to have the Becker Thanksgiving at Amy's house, I have to bring punch, Amy I need the recipe that you used last year so I can get the stuff for it! I am cold right now so I am still wearing my coat! In my class we are just going over a test, I got 92/100 on it, we already went over the 2 things I did wrong on it! Computer Accounting class is the easiest class ever! Basically I am a computer genius!! On Thursday I don't have this class so I can sleep in, yeepee!! Well what else do I know....there are only 32 days left until the wedding!! I had a dream about it again last night, we forgot my shoes so I had to wear my white hooker boots, sweet dude I think I am going to do that anyways!! That would be sweet! I am so excited to get my hair done!! That is on the 29th I have to skip all of my classes plus work but that is okay because I have already talked to all of my teachers! In Finance I have a paper due so I have to hand it in early :( This weekend at work it wasn't very busy. On Sunday I went home 45 minutes early, they said I could go home way earlier but I didn't!! Yesterday I could have gone home around 5 but I stayed until 7! Then I went home and made mac'n'cheese'n'burgers! That is a recipe out of my new Rachael Ray cookbook, it was basically momma's homemade mac'n'cheese with an addition of hamburger, it didn't have enough cheese in it though and she doesn't bake it to thicken it up but I did anyways because that is the way momma does it! This class is boring basically we don't do anything in class, everything we do is homework then we turn it in at the beginning of the class, but that is okay because it is really the only class I am doing good in, I have 89% and that is just because I didn't do good on the first test, it wasn't computer stuff, it was accounting stuff! So by the end of the semester hopefully I will get it up to an A, that would be sweet! Oh yeah, I finally passed an accounting test in my other accounting class!! I got 86% plus the homework which brought it up to 89%! On the last one I got 50% so I improved greatly!! I had that test like 2 weeks ago and just got it back last thursday but I forgot to write about it!! Well I guess I don't know anything else! Oh yeah Jerk Jese had some classes canceled today so he gets done at 12:30 instead of 5, my classes never get cancelled!! Well bye!
Christa Wadekamper
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