Getting Ready for Christmas!!
Hello!! Well otday I worked, what else is new!! We weren't busy though so I left half an hour early. The owner told me it was too bad I was leaving at the end of the summer because she would make me the manager, I think she was 85% serious about it! After work Jese and I went to the store and got train supplies, I am using them as party favors for when all of my friends come down on Saturday (Alicia you will just have to pretend you didn't read this!) I also made name tags for on the tables, they smell yummy!! Jese made spritz cookies today since I haven't had time to, they are really really good! He also made chicken enchiladas today for supper, that was yummy too!! He did all of the laundry today too so now I don't have to some time this week! I got pretty far on my Christmas cards today, I don't think I will be done with them tomorrow though because I have to study for my test that I have on Monday but I should have them all finished by Wednesday. We have so many presents under the tree it isn't even funny!! We just have two more get and then we are finished! I think we got enough this year! This week is going to be a busy one. On Monday I have my tax final and then I work, Tuesday at 11:00 I am meeting with 3 other people to take our accounting test together and then at 3:00 I am meeting with a girl to study for our test on Wednesday. On Wednesday I have my operations management final and then I work. On Thursday I will be cleaning like made, buying a turkey, ham, potatoes, etc. and I have to make sloppy joes for Friday. Also Dad and Rita are coming down Thursday and we are going out to eat. On Friday Jese graduates at 10:00 or 10:30, I don't remeber and then after that his family will come back to our place for lunch (sloppy joes) and either that night or the next morning we will do Christmas with Neva and Terrance. On Saturday around noon my friends are going to start coming down and I have to have the turkey ready to be ate at 3:00, I am thinking about buying it earlier and cooking it up on Thursday so that way it is ready to go on Saturday and I don't have to get up early and get it in the oven. Plus that way it will be all cut up and ready to go on Saturday and I won't have to do anything. Also on Saturday we are going to the comedy club in Rochester. On Sunday I will be cleaning lots and lots, and then it is my holiday break, woohoo!!! No more classes until the third week of January!! Okay well seeing as it is 11:30 at night I have to go to bed because I have to work tomorrow and I have to take a shower! Night! Christa
Did you forget that I am coming on Friday too??? Or does just Jese's family get to come to your house for lunch. Should I just wait in the car until you all are done :)
I think you can just wait in the car!
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