So much for sleeping in tomorrow!
Hello! Well today I had my final in tax, I didn't do so good, but the good news either did the rest of the class!! We don't know the grades for sure for sure yet because he hasn't gotten the tests back from Rochester but as of right now the high is 67.5 and I have 57.5/67.5 so I have 85% on the test. Just as long as the people from Rochester did as bad as the Winona people I have a good grade! My plans for tomorrow have changed all because of Amy! I was supposed to meet with a girl at 3 to study for our test on Wednesday but since Amy HAD to go into labor today I am going home tomorrow to see new baby! So I emailed the girl and told her I couldn't study unless we did it in the morning and she was fine with it, so now I have to get up early so I can study at 9 in the morning, grr!! Right now Pizza is sitting on my lap so we stay warm! I am supposed to be reading the last chapter for accounting but since pizza is sitting on the book I can't, darn!! I will do it tonight I guess! Okay well I guess that is all I know! Christa
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