Good Job Jese!!
Yea Jese graduated!!! Not only did he graduate, he did it with honors!! He was cum laude, he is soo smart!! The graduation cermemony was LOOOOOONG though, but that is okay it was worth it! On Thursday night Dad and Rita came down to take us out to eat to celebrate, we went across the river to the Hillside Fish House, it was really really good! We were there for four hours! We had lots of fun! Yesterday Neva, Terrance, Mom, Avis, and Rick all came down to go to the graduation with us. Afterwards we went back to the apartment for sloppy joes, they were good! Then everyone but Neva and Terrance left and we played games and opened christmas presents! Neva and I played a sweet new game, it was called doodle dice, I loved it!! Dad told us to get an air filter for the apartment so we got one for the living room and I can already tell the difference in the air, it is so much nicer! I didn't take my allergy pills since Wednesday morning and I have been fine untill this morning, but that is because now I need one in the bedroom, so if anyone still needs to get me something for Christmas that would be a good idea, hint hint! Jese made us pancakes for breakfast, they were yummy! Now I have to get ready for all of my friends for when they get here!! Have a great day!
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