Are you joking!!!

Winona Schools are closed again today!! Hello it is going to warm up, they could have just been two hours late like every other school in the state!! Yesterday was a super long day at school! My class just dragged on and on. Jese and I decided that on Thursday's he is going to drop me off and pick me up from school because I get done at 8:00 and there are no lights in the parking lot next to my building and there is nobody around there so untill it starts getting lighter out he will pick me up! Right now he is going to the store to get butter and he is also stopping at work to pick up my paycheck for me so I can drop it off at the bank on my way to work! I work all weekend but on Monday there is no school and neither of us work so we are going to Amy's to play games all day!! I have to work on my homework during the weekend so we can go but it will be worth it! Okay well I have to go eat and get ready for work now!
Kids still have to walk to school or wait outside for the bus. Maybe for a long time. Thing of you elementary school kids whose bodies just couldn't handle it. Also, unfortunately, some kids don't have enough warm weather coats, hats, jackets, etc...(or any). 2 hours late isn't much change- they'd be outside right now. Plus, teachers deserve those days! ;-)
Just kidding, Jese isn't going anywhere, our cars decided they are too cold to start!!
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