Homer again, wasn't our kitchen floor pretty!
My very first kitten of my own, Cinder!Hello! I just got done going through all of the pictures I found in my closet back home, so I hope you are ready for old pictures since that is all I have! Today I am planning on being lazy! I have done the dishes today and brushed my hair, that is all! I slept in until 9:30, that is like a record for me! The last two nights I slept so good, and I admit it is probably because I finally got off my lazy butt and worked out!! I lost 2lbs so far, today I weighed the same as yesterday, but that is okay because I made brownies yesterday so who would expect me to lose weight! Oh, I should put up my inspiration picture for you, hang on, I will do that right now!
Okay so I know, I am not 16 anymore and I will never look like that again, I just liked that picture! Look how small my boobs were then they were a full size smaller, ah the good old days of just huge boobs instead of monster boobs! hehe!! Oh yes, back to what I am going to do today, next I am going to eat a brownie! Then I might put away the dishes and then make rochester cookies if I have everything for them. By then hopefully the mail will be here because I am getting the third season of Weeds today and so I want to sit on the couch with my kitty blanket and watch it while working on one of the baby blankets I am making for a girl I work with. I could do some cleaning today but I think I will wait until Thursday to do that, why rush it when I still have two more days off! Okay well that brownie is calling my name so I better go take care of that!
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