Winter Break is coming to a close

Hello again! Well today is my last day of freedom, I don't work, I don't have school, and I don't have to go anywhere!! Tomorow and Sunday I work and Saturday I am going to Faribault, and Monday school starts again. I only have one class on Monday though so it won't be so bad. My classes are spread out much more this semester so it won't be two long days of classes without any breaks. Although Thursdays will be long, I have class from 12:30-7:50, but it is only three classes. I am not sad that classes are starting because that means it is almost spring, yea!!! Oreo is enjoying my last day home, she hasn't left me alone all day, but that is okay because she is keeping me warm! Yesterday Amy, Liam, Josie, and Mama came down to play games with me and Jese, they had to leave at 3:30 though because I had to go to work. Work was super slow but that was okay because I got a lot of cleaning done that I have been putting off, now if only I could get the motivation to do the cleaning here too! A person at Jese's work today asked him if he was embarassed to use coupons for grocery shopping and another person thought that since we used coupons we were on food stamps, silly people don't know that you can easily save $5-10 on each shopping trip if you use them! I can't believe the amount of people that say no to free money. There is a coupon in People magazine for a free diet dr. pepper but since we don't drink diet pop I told everyone at work that it was there and none of them wanted it even though some of them drink that kind of pop!! If you are saying no to free money then don't complain you are broke!! I love coupons, Target sent me $28 worth of coupons in the mail and almost all of them are things I buy so we will save some money there too for our cleaning supplies and they had one for skinny cow ice cream, yum!!! Okay well my toes are cold so I am going to go curl up under a blanket now! Have a great day!
it is NOT almost spring!!! we still have 4 months of winter!!! hahahaha!!!!
you can't save money with cupons if they don't give them to you for fresh fruit :( cupons are only for processed foods usally only cub has good cupons
I have gotton coupons for meat and bread and noodles and soup, all kinds of other food besides gross processed food
Just don't shop then you don't need coupons at all because you don't spend any money. Thats what I do. Just take a look in my fridge.... lots of water but thats about it!
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