Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!

My delicious beef stew I made last week 
A big fish and the only new baby fish we have survive so far
Hello! This morning I woke up to SNOW!! Don't get me wrong, I only like snow on Christmas but I got excited because if it is snowing out that means it almost time for Christmas decorations, music, and celebrations!!! Today it is SO windy out, it is ridiculous! When I went to get groceries I could hardly get my car door open to get out, then when I was trying to load my groceries I had to hold the trunk open!! After I was done loading them I realized I could have just put the groceries in the backseat, whoops! I just got done canning 3 more jars of tomatoes, I am just waiting for them to get done in the canner. Next I plan on cleaning our fridge shelves and then clean the closet in the study because it is slowing becoming a junk closet, and yes I realize you should only have a junk drawer, not closet!! I wish photos didn't take up so much room, that is what is taking up most of the bottom of the closet!! Tomorrow I am going to be brave and tackle our laundry. Last week we put some root killer down the drains, hopefully it works and the floor drain doesn't back up as much, fingers crossed!! Yesterday and Monday I babysat Liam and Josie, they were good but I was crabby! Out of nowhere yesterday Liam started to ask me all about God, so I taught him out to thank God for everything :) He asked me if I thanked God for making my house, he is so cute!! Okay well my tomatoes are going to be done any minute and I don't have time to be sitting around anymore!!


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