Baby W-R Countdown

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lesson Learned!

Hello! Last night Jese and I watched the last Saw movie, it was good...just like all of the other ones. Of course I don't like to watch those sorts of movies any more because I dream about everything I watch or read. Well last night was no exception. I had the worst dream ever and it last all night long!! It was about a guy murdering all of my Facebook friends, it was VERY graphic so I won't get into details!! Everything I closed my eyes after waking up I would see the skulls of all the dead people, it wasn't a good night. One time I woke up to a tap tap tap on my shoulder, I turned and there was Pizza trying to get me to lift of the blankets for her so she could sleep under them! 
I lost Kipper this morning. Jese let him outside and I couldn't find where he went!! I was just about to go out and look for him and he came back, what a good boy! I decided I better put his fence collar back on instead of the bark collar since it is warmer out and he will probably spend more time outside. Have a nice warm day while it lasts!!


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