Well hello everybody! Not very much happened today. Oh the worst thing happened!! The Schwans man came today to tell me that he would be in the area every few weeks so if I want anything he will be there, crap, I LOVE schwans ice cream!! Today after our biology lab Jese and I went up to the scenaic outlook, we are sooo romatic!!! It was cold out though, I didn't like that part of it. Most of the trails had icy snow on them so we couldn't walk around very much. My poor little car had to work very hard to get all the way up there!! When we were leaving there was a girl who went up there all by herself, and I said I wouldn't do that because it is a very seculded area and it is a good place for her to be kidnapped and people wouldn't know, after all there was a dead kid up there for almost two days before anyone found him. Right now I have tuna fish cassarole in the oven!! I am excited for it, I haven't had it in loooooooooooooong time!! Jese is sooo nice, when he went to walmart to get his paycheck and kitty litter he bought me milk duds, they are pretty much my favorite treat!! Yesterday Tim and Toph were supposed to come over buy Jese had a headache from work so he called them and said please don't come over, so they didn't. I have decided that even if I don't know anything I am just going to ramble on because it is much more fun to read something long rather than something short!! Oh, Pizza was being a bad kitten again today when I was studing, what a jerk, father offered to take care of my kitties for me (in his own lovely way) but I said that is okay, I think I will keep them here!! I am still cold from our trip up to the outlook :( I am sooo excited for greys anatomy tonight, it is going to be supper good! I like to write more ooooooo's than necessary because then you can read this like I am talking to you, and it has much more character! Jese is doing homework right now, what an overachiver, who does homework at night!! I have tried to before but I just can't concentrate at night so I have to do all of my homework during the day! I am watching Wheel of Fourtune right now, everyone keeps getting bankrupt, losers!!! Well I guess I can let all of you get back to work now, because that is where most of you are reading this I am sure! Okay well bye, have a nice day and put a smile on your face and make the world a better place!!
did father say he could take care of your kittens with a shot gun:)
yes that is pretty much what he said!!!
For a moment i thought you walked up that hill....but than i thought to my self...yeah right chista walk....thats the joke of the year...haha :)
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